One Filthy Rat (Sylveon POV)

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                                                                             Next Morning                                                          

I yawned sleepily and rubbed my eyes with my ribbons. I was starving, and I felt like I would die of hunger if I didn't eat something soon. Then I realized that Umbreon wasn't there! My thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice, which said,

"Is anybody here?" 

"Um...Me?" I slapped my face. That had to be the most idiotic way to respond to a stranger! Then a pikachu came clear in my view, along with a youngoos.          "Do you need anything?", I asked rather kindly. "Shelter", the youngoos told me. The pikachu nodded. "Um...OK!"

I told them to stay and came back with some blackberries and told them to eat if they wanted to live. They laughed at my joke, and I couldn't help but smile. 

                                                    One Hour later                                                                                         

I had to go out of the cave a variety of times to get more berries for the two. Who would've thought that two little things could have such an appetite!! Not too long after that there was a pleasant surprise at the entryway of the cave. It was Umbreon.

-"Umbreon! You're back!", I told him. Then his jaw dropped. "Sylveon, Why are you with a FILTHY RAT!"

Just at that moment, pikachu waddled into the cave and heard him. He stopped in his tracks and sadly hung his head. "Come on, Umbreon! Pikachu isn't a rat type, he's a mouse type. And besides, he's not THAT dirty,"I argued. "Rodents have feelings too, you know!"

"Actually, I wasn't total king about pikachu!" He said. "Um...sorry about that!" He gave the electric type a sheepish grin. "We GOOD?!"

Pikachu gave him a thumbs up-and laughed. Soon everyone started laughing, including Umbreon. 

That night after pikachu and youngoos had left, I had the strangest yet saddest thought. The way the two talked made it seem like they were best friends. I wondered where Ruby was. After all, it has been almost three days since I woke up mysteriously in this forest. I must've looked sad or something, because Umbreon asked me if I was okay. "I'm fine," I told him. "I'm just thinking about life." "Same here," he told me. 

"Same here."

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