I Choose You(Umbreon POV)

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"Oh no she didn't!!", I told myself as I saw water splash everywhere. Did she do this on purpose? If so...why??

I ran down the cliff side. I had told Eevee and Vulpix to stay at the cave and I promised them and myself that I would bring back Sylveon, alive and okay. 

But so far, I felt like I was about to break it!

I jumped into the water, but no sign of Sylveon.

I scanned the riverbanks, but no sign of Sylveon.

I looked at th-'Wait...is that...one of her...ribbons??'

Sure enough, there was one of her ribbons, matted in blood. 

I went over in the water. Trapped under a big boulder, was her ribbon. I managed to pull it out of the water, and bring it onto the riverside. 

From the looked of it, it seemed like it was pulled out by force.

Then I saw another one, but it was hanging from behind the waterfall.

'Strange...'  I got a closer look at the waterfall and realized there was a cave behind it. Could she be in there?

As I got closer, I almost fainted of relief when I saw Sylvie in it. I managed to get inside the cave, and there she was, matted in blood. Sure enough, she was out-cold, and one of her ribbons were missing.

"Sylveon? Are you alright?", I managed to say without my voice trembling.

She moaned in pain. I got closer to her and realized that there were so many cuts, scraped, and bruises I couldn't tell what WASN'T a cut, a scrape, or a bruise.

I started cleaning her bruises and all, when I realized if maybe she would make it without her ribbon. I could see she tried to open her eyes and stirred awake.

"Sylveon? Are you alright?" I asked again. "I...think I'm dead," she said. It obviously sounded like she was in pain, but she didn't complain.

"Why did you run away like that!?" I asked her. I could see yet another tear trickling down her cheek. Was she alright?

She turned away from me and said, "You lied to me." "What are you talking about?" I asked her. "Your dream. I know I was in it. And eevee too." I blushed. She sure was a great guesser!

"Yea... but so what? That's no reason why you had to run away like that." Another tear went down her cheek. I wiped it away.

"Hey listen," I started. "It's almost that time of year where you choose your mates..." "And...?"

"And I Choose You."

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