Why so giddy?

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I skipped all the way to school I was so happy. on the way I saw Ryuji and Shima and Koneko, we walked to cram school today and it went by fast. in P.E Ryuji almost killed Shima when he fell on top of me on purpose. after P.E Shima asked me out I happily accepted.

"Will you go to Mephyland with me on Saturday?" Shima asked

"Yes, of course, Renzo,"


Before I knew it Saturday came around I wore ripped jeans and a gray tank top my hair down and the electric blue re dyed.

"Where are you going?" asked Mephisto

"On a date with Shima,"

"Shima?!?!? that fool? Why not me!"

"Because your my principle and I literally just met you,"

"That's not what you said on the roof,"

I blushed

"Shut up,"

"What about us?"

"There is no us!"

"Ouch that hurts,"

"Whatever I'm leaving,"

He walked over

"If you must, but on one condition,"

"And what is that?"

"You have to let this happen,"


He leaned and kissed me a short kiss.

"So you know what your missing tonight,"

"Wow you are an idiot,"

"Why thank you I take pride in that,'

Ding dong


I ran to the door and hugged him.

"Wow hi Alice,"

"Hi Renzo,"

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, bye Mephisto!"

"Bye," he said quite sad.


We went to Mephyland it was fun went on rides like 'Go To Hell' and '666'

And other rides. soon it was closing time and Renzo stopped by the park.

"What are we doing Shima?'


"Oh okay,"

"Except maybe this,"

He leaned and kissed he was soft yet hard smooth yet rough, I kissed back he cupped my cheek and my back pulling me closer. I wrapped my hands around his neck.

He parted and I put my head in his neck we stood there swaying.

He took my hand and walked me to the mansion.

"Here we are,"

"Thanks Shima, I had fun,

"So did I *wink*,"

I went to hug him but he took that as a kiss so he did. this was longer and passionate. like fireworks, then the front lights started flickering on and off, on and off, I smiled.

"I think I have to go,

He laughed

"So do I, see you Monday,"

"See you Monday,"

I went through the door and it was dark, I couldn't see anything, then out of no where a body attacked my back.


"Uhh what are you doing?"

"Giving you a backwards hug,"

"I see,I'm going to bed,"

"Can I come?"


"Aw whyyyyy please?"


"But but I'm so bored at night I only sleep like an hour each night!"

"Sorry not my problem,"

"But I'll just lay there you won't even know I'm there,"


I walked to my room with Mephisto grinning, he wasn't in his usual attire he was wearing a gray shirt that showed his muscle definition and black fleece pants. I walked in and flopped on my bed. he laid down more gracefully and put his arm under my neck, on his side he played with my hair until I fell asleep, he kissed my forehead,

"Goodnight sweet Alice,"

"Goodnight weirdo,"

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