Not an update...sorry

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Hey yo! it's Katy and I was just saying sorry for this fanfic, I totally lost interest long ago but your lovely comments made me keep writing. it was sloppy and bad, I'm not happy with it at all I was going to delete it but you guys kept me from doing that, so thank you so much! there are so many fanfics Lila and I have written and not published that are much better than this one so hopefully maybe we will publish those... Lila and I stared a Renzo fanfic I can't guarantee that it will be updated very often, but it would be great if you wanted to check it out! we have written some Naruto fanfics, Blue Exorcist, Fairy Tail and we are writing a Levi x OC (Levi from Attack on Titan) that's it for now but if you guys could check out the fanfic when it's published that would be awesome! Most of publishing/updating will be postponed because of school and swimming and everything else going on, we have a meet this weekend to so 😁😩😭

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