Mephy cont.

816 31 3

I looked at a raging Ryuji, Koneko and I tried holding him back as his arms were swinging punches.

In the end Koneko and I were weak against Bon, he picked up Renzo easily, and held him against the wall, Shima looked terrified, as he squirmed and kicked.

"Bon!" I screamed

He didn't look at me, Renzos face turned red.

"Ryuji stop!"

He turned slowly dropping Renzo who crumbled to the floor holding his neck, color returning to his face.

"He was with another girl!"

I shook my head.

"So over protective, I never see this side of you,"

"Why aren't you mad?!"

"Because if he did he wouldn't even look at me, and she wouldn't be as awesome as me*hair flip* so,"

Renzo slowly got up and creeped away when Bon picked him up and held him in mid air.

"If you ever cheat you are more then dead,"

"How sweet of you,"

"Ok Bon now put him down,"

I pushed down on his arm.

"Jeez your going to kill him," I said

"That was the plan," muttered Ryuji

"Oh my god, that was near death experience! Im never going to cheat on you ever!" cried Renzo

He grabbed me awkwardly and hugged me, then kissed my cheeks dramatically.

"I missed you so much,"

"Renzo it was like five minutes,"

"I know it was terrible,"

I blushed.

He was smashing my face into his neck, he had his eyes closed. he was petting my hair, and wrapping my arm around my waist bringing me closer.

"Um Renzo why are you petting me,"

"I have no idea,"

"Can you stop?"

"Yeah sorry,"

He had his hands on my shoulders.


He smashed his lips on mine, I was taken back, his hand moved to my neck pulling me closer. He smiled through the kiss when I put my hand on his arm.

When he parted he barely gave me time to breath when he did it again, he stopped when we heard an exaggerated puking noise. I expected Ryuji but found Rin.

"You guys are disgusting," he said

Renzo flipped him off and kissed me again.

/that's very unlike Renzo/

"*puking noise* I'm going to hurl now,"

I parted.

"Why are you even here?"

"I was giving Ryuji his phone back, he dropped it,"


Rin walked out of the door.

"That's was very unlike you,"

"You liked it don't lie,"

"I never said that I didn't,"

He smirked.

"Did you taste the rainbow?"


"The cheesy pick up lines,"

"Oh yeah!"

"We should make sure you did,"

"Feeling okay Renzo?"


He kissed me lightly, then I left, I walked home, Mephisto nowhere to be seen.

I walked to my room and flopped on my bed, I stared at my white ceiling, I touched my lips, when I did they stung a little. I walked to the bathroom to investigate, there was a raw spot on lip.

/oh my god he bit my lip!/

There were raw spot all over my bottom lip, I almost cried. Underneath my lip was a little red.

/omg I'm going to die! or kill Renzo I don't know yet/

I texted him:

To: Renzo Shima

From: Me

My lip hurts u asshole!

A few minutes later my phone buzzed

Renzo Shima:

Lol ;)

I hit reply

To: Renzo Shima

Not cool

Renzo Shima:

U liked it earlier

To: Renzo Shima

When my lip wasn't raw!

Renzo Shima:

Sexy :p

To: Renzo Shima

U perv!

Renzo Shima:

U know u love meh

To: Renzo Shima

Do I? do I really?

Renzo Shima:

I will come over and make your top lip raw to

To: Renzo Shima

Oh the horror

Renzo Shima:

Wait can I actually come over? or do I have to wait till 2 morrow?

To: Renzo Shima

U r not coming over sorry

Renzo Shima:

Fine till 2 morrow, love

I laughed.

/did he just call me love/

To: Renzo Shima

Till 2 morrow Shi-chan

Renzo Shima:


To: Renzo Shima

Shi-chan now g night!!!!!

I fell asleep after that, I don't know what he texted back.



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