Come home

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I was sad at first when he was gone, Renzo came over most nights to hang out. I think he was a little weirded out that I was so sad, it's been three months.

Tonight Renzo was coming over and we were doing homework, I heard the door bell ring, I went to get it and there was Renzo. I hadn't realized but it was raining really hard, he was soaked. I laughed, his hair was matted to his forehead, he couldn't see.

He was holding books, so I led him in. I set the books down and moved the hair from his face, he smiled.

"Hey Renzo,"

"Hi, do you have an extra shirt?"

"Oh yeah sure, here come upstairs,"

I went into Mephistos room, Renzo hovered in the door way, I found a white t-shirt and threw it at him. He nodded in thanks and shut the door behind me.

/it's not like I haven't seen him shirtless/

I went down stairs and popped pop corn, he came down, the white shirt was a little small, it showed the little definition he had.

I threw popcorn at him.

"Hey," he tried grabbing the kernels

I popped some into my mouth, Renzo sat down across from me, I ruffled his hair, it sprayed water every where.

"Thanks," he said

"Of course Shi-Chan,"

"If you get to call me the I get to call you A.j,"


I startled myself I said that so fast.

"I-I mean you should be more creative,"

"Hmm Akachan?"


"Yeah why not,"

"'My baby' that's what you came up with?"


"It means my baby!"

"I know that,"

"Your lucky your hot,"

"I am?!"

I blushed.

"Aw Alice you think I'm hot,"

"Shut up!"

"It's okay I think your hot to,"



Renzo started biting his lip, he was looking at me up and down.

"Are you done looking at my face?"

"I wasn't looking at your face,"

"Where were you- ohhhh you idiot!"

"We should go outside,"

"But it's raining,"

"Come on!"

He dragged me outside, we ran in the rain, splashing each other with rain water, and throwing mud at each other.

He spun me around, but me being clumsy me I fell he caught me but in the act fell. I fell on top of him laughing, he rolled over and straddled me.

He kissed my cheek, and stood helping me up as well. We went inside soaking wet, I changed into pjs, shorts and a tank top. he found an other shirt and changed right in front of me. I didn't realize but I was biting my lip, chewing the lip ring.

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