Hangover life

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Alice pv

I woke up with a huge headache, I went down stairs and found Mephisto.

/dafuq!?! is he not wearing a shirt!/

He wasn't wearing one, my eye started twitching, he was in pj shorts eating ice cream.

I went to the couch a sat on his lap I buried my face in his neck.

"I'm sorry,"

"How's the hungover life?"

"Oh like you've never been hungover!"

"Actually once when I was young, are you sure your ok?"

" Yes, I really am sorry,"

"It's fine I'm glad I got there when I did though,"

"So am I,"

"So now that you don't reek of alcohol."

He said kissing my neck, my hand were on his collar bones.

"We made a deal remember? I have to say no,"

"Oh yeah fine but, you never said I couldn't ask again in the same day!"

"True, hey!"

"Heh heh heh,"

He said kissing my jaw line, my fingers traced his collar bone and his chest, then around his abs he shuddered and got goose bumps, i traced up again. he kissed down my neck and looked at me.

He traced around my face and around my lips.

"You are so tempting,"


"Yes I feel as though you are teasing me,"

"Well maybe if you didn't reject me,"

"Yes excuse me for being a gentleman,"

"Your never a gentleman,"

"I can be :3"

"Your so cheesy!"

"I'm made from milk?"

I laughed

"Your stupid,"

"Thank you I try,"

I traced down his neck, and over the scar of when I bit him. i giggled.


"Remember the first day?"

"Yeah, you rejected me then to,"

"No in the limo when I bit you,"

"Yeah there was a bruise for like a week!"



"Yeah like when people text lol,"

"Oh? you are a nerd,"

"Why thank you,"

Ding Dong

"Who would be here this early,"

"I have no idea, get off me so I can answer it,"

"Oh sorry,"

He got up and went to the door.



"How can I help you?"

"Is Alice here?"

"Who are you?"

"Max Trigure,"

"How do you know her?"

"I'm a child hood friend,"

"Hmm, Alice!"

"What?" I asked

"Some guy says he knows you,"


I walked over.

"Oh my god,"

"Hey sweetie,"

"Do not call me sweetie!"

"Why not you used to love it,"

"Yeah ten years ago you ass clown!"

"A.J how do you know him?" Mephisto asked

"He's the one that was trying to kill me,"

"Oh now I wasn't trying to KILL you,"

"Really? then what was that?"

"Simply testing your abilities,"

"Testing my abilities? you are such douche canoe!"

"Oo ouch that hurts,"

"I'm done talking to you, I have a life, without you,"

"Well I'm not,"

"To bad, have a nice life jack ass,"

I shut the door, Mephisto was wide eyed.

"Okay then O.o"

"I don't want to talk about it,"

"But I -"

"You were thinking it,"

"Actually yes I was,"

"Did you actually answer the door without a shirt?"


"What if it was a student?"

"It's the weekend and your a student,"

"That's different,"


"Uh I'm making food,"

"I can make eggs!"

"So can I,"

"You make the bacon,"

"You had ice cream!"

"I'm still hungry, and if you don't remember you interrupted that,"

"You didn't try to stop me!"

"I didn't want to,"


He hugged me from behind, his forehead on my shoulder.

"You smell like coconut,"

"Thanks? I got a shower,"

"In the morning?"

"Yeah I was drugged and I wanted to be clean,"

"I see,"

"Can we make food now?"


We ate food and got dressed.

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