Waking up

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I barely opened half my right eye, I saw a Renzo his head was face down in the hospital bed. he was holding my hand, he was sitting in a rolling chair, he appeared to be asleep though.

I opened my other eye and scanned the room, Ryuji sat at the table in the corner he was reading a book, across from him was Shura.

/why is Shura here/

Shura had her shoulders back across the arms of the chair, her head flung back and mouth gaping open. There was a window letting some sun rays dance across the floor.

The curtains were silently moving like snakes against the wind that was coming from the open window.

On the table was a few cans of soda, and a stack of magazines. I looked for Mephisto but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Ryuji turned his head slightly, he noticed my conscientiousness and threw a bag if peanuts at me. I raised an eyebrow, he wrote something on paper and threw that at me to, it bounced off my forehead and into my lap.

I opened it to the best of my abilities with one hand.

The note:

The doctor said to make you eat something since you used a lot if energy, I'm not talking because I'd rather not have a drunken Shura yelling at me.

/So it wasn't soda after all/

I used a pencil from the side if my bed and flipped the paper over, I wrote back to him and threw it at him.

That's Shura for you, what happened anyway? and why is Renzo passed out on my leg?

He laughed when he read it

I don't know but if you want I'll beat him up for you

Ryuji! no do not beat up Renzo that's mean!

I can though if you want


He smirked, Renzo slowly picked his head up, he eyes glazed and his cheeks slightly red, he had some drool on the corner of his mouth.

He rubbed his eyes while sitting up.

"Hey," he whispered


He scouted closer and hugged me really tight.

"Don't do that again,"

"Uh," I smiled "I'm sorry,"

He let go and kissed me lightly.

/1,2,3,4 and wait for it/

A paper ball hit Renzo in the head.

/saw that coming/

He turned and noticed Bon, he waved awkwardly.

"Go show your affection somewhere where I won't puke please,"

"But Alice can leave the hospital bed,"


I closed my eyes half way.

"That's mean,"

Ryuji shrugged then went back to reading.

Renzo stood cracked his back then sat back down, he took my hand and wrapped his around them. Put his hands-and mine- on his chin/lips he looked at the white sheets, he looked distant. Shura snorted then flung her head up she painfully stood cracked her neck then twisted to crack her back.

Mephisto walked through the door, he looked shocked to see that I was awake, he obviously wasn't expecting that.

"Hello my dear!"

"Hi clown,"

I slightly waved, Renzo still had my hands wrapped around mine but he straightened and looked at Mephisto.

"So why are you here?" asked Ryuji

Shura who had sat down in the chair she originally was sitting in, started laughing, she laughed and then fell out of her chair.

/little dramatic/

She stood casually like nothing happened.

"Isn't it obvious? he came to see her,"

She pointed at me.

"Yes I did she is a student and I felt the need to check up on her,"

"Slluurrreee," she started slurring her words

Shura's cheeks became pink and she started swaying, she fell on the floor with drool going down her cheek.

Ryuji put his two fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"Why is she always drunk," he muttered to himself

He lifted her up and put her in the chair, she woke up hit him then passed out again.

/she doesn't have a very high tolerance for alcohol/

Rin and Yukio walked in, Rin threw the door open and it hit Mephisto.

/why is Rin here I barely know him/

Rin had his one hand on his waist and the other in the air.

/what is he doing/

"Hey guys!" he shouted

"What do you want Okumura?" Scoffed Ryuji

"Hey," said Renzo

"Bon! that's mean!" I said

"Yeah Bon," said Rin, he stuck his tongue out

Yukio started talking to Mephisto, Rin and Ryuji argued and Renzo looked at me, after a while he just laid next to me, his arm under my neck.

We watched drunken shura try to break up quarreling Ryuji and Rin, Mephisto wave his arms around trying to explain something to Yukio and Yukio getting mad.

I fell asleep like that, my head on Renzos shoulder and his head on mine.

/this is the life/



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