Meh, continued

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*****le time skip*******

We already got food and now we were sitting under a large cherry blossom tree, the leaves rustled quietly as the wind was not very strong.

We ate our food with little conversation, until I remembered I what wanted to ask him.

"Hey Renzo,"


"Why were you in my bed?"

"Oh, the hospital said you were free to go so I carried you home,"

"Where's Mephisto,"

"Angel came and took him some place,"


"Yeah, then I was tired and I fell asleep,"


He stuffed his mouth with noodles.

"Your so elegant when you eat,"

"I know right," he said between chewing

I hadn't noticed but a very quiet Koneko and Ryuji sat down and started eating.

I started to stand up.

"Your gross," I said

I started walking, when Renzo rugged on my tail.

/what the hell when was my tail hanging out?/


He made me fall into his lap.

"What are you doing?"

"I just bought this, I don't want to puke in it to,"

I turned my head Ryuji was sitting legs crossed, lunch box in hand and chop sticks in the other.

I almost fell over, instead I rolled out if Renzos lap and sat by my lunch. my hand to my head, I casually sat.

"When did you guys get here? *awkward cough laugh*"

"We were eating, but now I think I'm going to puke so puking," Ryuji said

"Bon if you puke it's all over," Koneko said calmly while eating his lunch

"Eh," my eye twitching

/what the hell is with that kid/

Lo mein noodles slid down my cheek.


I wiped them off and turned to Renzo, he was smiling.

I took my lunch and dumped it in his head, Ryuji almost choked on his lunch from laughter.

My noodles and vegetables slid slowly down his face, some down his shirt.

Renzo threw food at me, I ducked it hit Ryuji, Ryuji got mad and threw some at Renzo then at me I ducked again it hit Koneko, so he joined to.

We ended up buying more lunches and having a food fight. Yukio came and tried to stop but, instead he got hit with sushi.

Afterwards we sat by the fountain, drenched in food. Renzo tried to kiss me but Ryuji threw a lemon at him. He was sitting on the lip of the fountain I pushed him in and kissed Renzo. Ryuji climbed out of the fountain an picked me up and dunked me in the fountain, he threw Renzo in and Koneko voluntarily stepped in.

We had a water war, then when it got to late we dried off and headed our separate ways to our dorms and for me Mephistos house.

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