Embracing the emo side

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Alice pv

We walked in the mall looking for Hot Topic.

When we found it Mephisto looked disgusted.

"This is Hot Topic?"


"Everyone's so creepy,"


"Because they all have tattoos piercings or dyed hair,"

"I have a tattoo and dyed hair,"

"I know about the dyed hair but, a tattoo?"


"I don't believe you,"

"Fine then don't,"

"I want to see it,"

"It's on my belly button, how did you not notice it? we were at the beach,"

"I wasn't looking at you stomach,"

"Oh well guess you won't see it,"


"Ugh jeez fine,"

I lifted my shirt.

"What is it?"

It was a swirly sun with weird swirl things suppose to be flare.

"Why did you get that one out if all the tattoos?"

"I didn't want to,"

"Then why did you?"

"I got it when I was young, all girls have it in my family,"

"I'm confused,"

"I see that,"

"Can we go into this dreadful place now? the sooner we go in the sooner we leave,"

"They have cool socks,"

"Wow that makes it so much better Alice,"

"Doesn't though?"

We walked in, I went to the band Ts and he walked around trying not to touch anything. I started laughing cause he looked so stupid.

"Can I help you with anything?"

I turned it was a guy who worked there. he had a beanie and he looked like Alan Ashby but with a gray t-shirt.

"Um no I'm good thank you,"

"That guy looks weird,"

"He's always like that,"

"Oh is he your brother or something,"

"Or something,"



"Pretty girls are always with weirdos,"

"He's weird yes but, he's a good guy,"


"Don't judge people you don't even know,"

"I don't need to know him,"


"Do you wanna ditch and get something to eat?"

"Um no thank you I think I'll be leaving,"

"Hey wait,"

He grabbed my arm.

"Don't touch me! Let go!"

"Oh come on,"

"I think she said to let go," Mephisto said

He turned and we walked away.

"You are just to pretty to leave alone,"

"Im sorry,"

"I leave you for minutes and a guy try's to take you away,"

I grabbed his hand.

"I'm staying here with you,"

He smiled.

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