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Alice pv

I woke up next to Mephisto, I was facing away from him. His left arm was around my torso and my head was on his right bicep.

I rolled over he was asleep, and snoring. I pushed his chin up, closing his mouth. his hair was in his face I pushed it away behind his ear, he looked funny like that.

I proceeded to braid his goatee, so focused that I didn't notice he was awake.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't even know,"

"Your cute,"

"Wait one sec,"


I finished the braid.

"Ok done,"

He felt his goatee.




"Why am I in your bed?"


"We didn't, did we?"

"No..... sadly, you fell asleep on me in the bathtub,"

"So you put me in your bed?"

"No you wadded your fists in my shirt,"

"That sounds like something I'd do,"

He pulled me closer and closed his eyes.

"You are such a nerd,"

"You are a dork,"

"I thought I was a clown,"

"A stalker clown,"

"I'm suddenly 'IT' now?"


"Love you to,"

I snuggled into him.

"I do love you,"

He hugged me tighter.

"I have to get up Mephisto,"

"Why? we were having a moment!"

"Well I have to get to get to school,"

"Good point, ok,"

I went to my room and got dressed, so did he, in his room.

We went to school and parted ways.


"Hey Alice!"


"Hey Renzo,"

"I like how you say my name,"


"You don't add to much emphasis on the R but, you do add emphasis on the z,"

"It's just how I say it, Renzo,"

He put his arm around my torso and pulled me close.

"So do you wanna come over tonight?"



"I don't know if I can,"

"Hmm how about Saturday?"

"Sounds good, today's Thursday right?"

"Yup, I think so,"

"Ok great um what time?"

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