Awkward Mondays

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I walked out of the limo and was greeted by Shima.


"Hey?" i said startled

He put his arm around me pulling me closer, I put my head on his shoulder.

"Where's Ryuji?"

"He's on the other side of campus,"

"That makes sense,"


"Cause you wouldn't put your arm like this if you knew Ryuji was around,"

"Probably true, I don't feel like being killed today,"

"I don't either,"



"Hey Alice why is Mephisto glaring at us?"


He pointed at Mephisto staring at us/talking to Yukio.

I face palmed.

"What a stalker,"

"Ya your telling me,"

"Why is he looking at us? is it against the rules?"

"Is what against the rules?"

"Slight PDA,"

"No but it is against MY rules,"

"Wow Alice your Voice got really deep for a second,"

"That wasn't me," I said we slowly turned around to see an angry Ryuji.

"What are you doing Shima?!?" Ryuji said

"Hey uh Bon are you hungry?"

"What? no,"

"Are you sure cause you should eat a snickers,"

"Shima what are you talking about?"

"You should eat a snickers cause your not you when your hungry,"

Ryuji and I face palmed.

"Wow Renzo," I said

"I'm going to kill you Shima!" said Ryuji

"No stop!" I said

Ryuji looked at me.


"It was me I put my arm around him,"

"No you didn't!" they both said

"Ryuji I'm ok it's like he was groping me or anything,"

"Indeed then I would have needed to intervene," said Mephisto

"What are you doing here?!?!" I shouted

"What are you doing?" asked Shima

"Whatever lets go,"

I grabbed Renzo and we walked away, Mephisto staring at me confused.

Mephisto pv

She just walked away like I was nothing, does she not like me? Was the kiss nothing? I walked away sulking to my office.

Shima pv

She took my hand and we walked to class. The plus was when Ryuji came into view we kissed in front of him. it made him pissed but he walked away.

Win win for Me!

We ended up not going to class and instead going to a park and staring at the clouds. she laid on my chest and I folded my hands under my head. We laid there until a white terrier came and growled and barked until we left. all in all it was a good day, Alice looked especially hot today ;).

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