Rescue Me | Chapter Nine

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Andrea yawned as she pulled into her parking spot on the Warner Brothers lot. She crawled out of her truck, coffee in hand as she stood looking up at the iconic Hollywood sign on the side of the mountain. Her time on set was nearly finished, and she couldn't help but think about how badly she'd miss the awful four am call times and fourteen hour days filming. Smiling, she sipped her coffee and made her way to the makeup trailer.

Pulling the latch, she opened the door. The sound of Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" instantly hit her ears. Melissa, her favorite makeup artist heard her coming in and yelled, "Good morning, Andrea!" Andrea waved her response, not willing to compete with the volume of the music. Melissa's body shook with laughter as she turned it down slightly, "Better?" Andrea nodded, "Much, yes. I love that band, but I'm not at that level yet." she giggled, raising her coffee cup and sitting in her chair.

"Do your thing, Mel, make me beautiful!" Melissa shook her head, "Well, it seems my work here is done then, because even at this hour you're gorgeous. And I sort of hate you for it." She laughed, continuing, "So, how are things looking for you after we're done here?"

Andrea shrugged her shoulders and sighed, "My agent is working on a couple of things, but I don't have anything set in stone yet."

"My opinion," Melissa said, nudging Andrea's shoulder "not that you're asking for it, is you take that beautiful man up on his offer." Andrea rolled her eyes, "I know, I know. You've mentioned that a few times now. I'm considering it actually. I just don't want to miss out on anything that could be a big boost for me. "Oh, so we've progressed to the consideration stage, have we? That's great!" Melissa chuckled, nudging Andrea's shoulder.

"Yes, the keyword is considering. Don't put the cart before the horse, Mel. Jared and I have talked about it a couple times, but he's stopped bringing it up. I think he's changed his mind."

Melissa hoisted a makeup brush mid air and scoffed, "He quit bringing it up because you asked him to, I think he learned his lesson on pushing you based on what you've told me, which is very little by the way. Why be so cryptic?"

Andrea sipped her coffee, "Because he's my friend and most things I prefer to keep between him and me." Melissa nodded, "Fair enough, I guess." she said, smirking at the smile on Andrea's face when her phone lit up with an incoming call from Jared. "Cute photo of you two." Melissa giggled, glancing at her screen, but Andrea didn't reply.

"Jared, hi!" she said cheerfully, "How are you?"

"Good morning, Andie, I'm good! How are you? I figured you'd be up already so I wanted to say hi before your day got too hectic."

She smiled, "I'm good, but I miss you and Shannon. Can't wait for you to come home."

"I miss you too. I was calling to run something by you. You're wrapped tomorrow, and we'll be in your hometown in just a few days. I'd love it if you would fly out to join us there and watch the show. You could see your family, we could hang out for a couple days and then fly home together." Jared said.

"Or, we could rent a car and make an epic road trip out of it on the way back?" Andie said, "I love the scenery in that part of the country. We could stop at the giant dinosaurs on the side of the highway and play tourist!" She giggled. Jared let out a breathy laugh as well, "That sounds great, lets do it."

"I'll book my flight as soon as we hang up." Andie replied. "Great! I can't wait to see you." Jared stated. "Me too, J," she smiled, "I hate to cut this short, but my makeup is done and they're calling for me."

"Ok, go be amazing, I'll talk to you later." Andie smiled at his encouragement, "Bye, J. Have a great day!"

Two days later, Andrea sat in her window seat and sent a group text to Jared and Shannon. "I'm up in the air! Well, almost haha. Boarding now, shutting my phone off. Can't wait to see you guys!"

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