Rescue Me | Chapter Twenty-Two

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Andrea's eyes lifted slowly, sleepily gazing out the bedroom window. Laying flat on her tummy, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Normally she would wake up in Jared's embrace.

Turning her head to the left, she chuckled quietly seeing Jared sound asleep in the same position. His head was half-buried under the pillow, but she could hear a faint snore. Pride surged through her veins thinking their night of really hot sex had thoroughly worn him out.

Pushing up on to her hands and knees, Andrea eased off the bed, her muscles screaming at her in protest. Jared's flannel shirt from the night before caught her eye, reaching for it, she slipped her arms into it and walked into the living area.

As she sat down, her fingers grasped the thick card-stock menu laying on the coffee table. After deciding what she wanted to order for their breakfast, Andrea phoned the front desk and placed their order.

She read through multiple notifications, wishing her a happy birthday, upcoming events and quickly scrolled through social media. Her eyes cast down her body at the remnants of colorful wax against her light olive skin.

A devious smirk played at her lips as she opened the camera. Positioning herself so the morning light pouring into the quiet room from the terrace danced on her skin perfectly and snapped a photo to save for when moody Jared surfaced.

Sneaking back into the bedroom, Andrea pulled a her fluffy robe from the closet, slipping it on and tying it closed. A smile crept over her face as she watched Jared's sleeping form briefly before heading back out of their room.

After the food was delivered, Andrea removed her robe. Pushing the cart into the bedroom, she uncovered the food and gently sat next to Jared.

Tickling her fingers softly up his sides, Andrea peppered butterfly kisses across Jared's shoulders.

"Wake up, sleepyhead, breakfast is here."

When Jared didn't move, Andrea carefully crawled over him, lying on her side to face him. Gently nudging his shoulder, she lifted her hand to push the pillow off his head.

"Hey, handsome," she said softly, kissing his muscular arm, "are you hungry?"

Just as she pushed the pillow away and lifted her eyes, Jared was staring back at her. The devilish grin on his face made her tummy flip, distracting her just long enough for Jared to pounce.

Pushing her onto her back, Jared hovered over her body. Slowly lowering his mouth to hers, his breath, warm on her lips. Their eyes locked, "I am hungry, baby. Hungry for you." He muttered, seizing her lips with his.

"Our pancakes are getting cold." Andrea muttered against his lips as she bit into Jared's bottom lip and grinned hearing him hiss.

"Mmm, pancakes." Planting another kiss on her lips, Jared sat up, reaching over to pull the food cart closer. Surveying the assorted fruits, jams, and syrup; Jared picked up a butter knife, slicing into the peanut butter and swiping it over a plate of pancakes.

Andrea smiled watching him. Her heart swelling at the realization that he paid more attention to her quirks than she realized.

"For you, my love." Jared said sweetly, offering her the plate he had prepared.

"Thanks, babe." Andrea smiled, kissing him sweetly.

Andie watched Jared shove bite after bite into his mouth; her mouth watering at the sight of his tongue darting across his lower lip to collect the syrup at the corner of his mouth.

Jared lifted his eyes from his plate and caught Andrea staring. His gaze fell down her body to her partially exposed breasts, still sprinkled with colorful wax. He felt a pull low in his tummy as memories from last night whirled through his mind.

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