Rescue Me | Chapter Twenty-Five

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Andrea searched every room on the upper levels of their home. Coming up empty handed, she sighed and stormed down the steps into the lab. Peering through the glass door, her eyes fell on her disheveled husband. Opening the soundproof door, loud music poured out of the room. Her feet carried her the short distance to the chair he occupied.

Jared sat there with his eyes closed staring at the computer screen listening to a clip of a new song. Taking a moment to appreciate his talented mind, Andrea listened to the music flowing from the speakers; a smile pulling at her lips as she reached out to touch his shoulder.

Eliciting a giggle from Andrea as he jumped, Jared stopped the music. Leaning back in his chair, he smiled at his bride. Tapping his hand on his thighs signaling her to sit. Throwing her leg over him, straddling his lap Andie rested her hands on his bearded cheeks.

A gasp escaped her lips as the warmth of his skin spread through her palms. Her previous medical instincts kicking in as she observed him. His cheeks were flushed, much rosier than normal. She could tell he was exhausted, the dark circles under his beautiful eyes further proof.

"Hi, beautiful." He murmured.

"You're feeling worse, aren't you. I think you have a fever now, babe. I know you're inspired by this new song and it's incredible, but you really need to rest, J. I'm not trying to nag you, I just don't want you getting worse. You guys have a show in two weeks!"

"I'll take it easy after I finish this part."

"Jared. You've been down here for hours. I've emptied several of the boxes we brought over yesterday, straightened the house and prepped dinner." She argued, knowing this was a battle she would likely lose. She kissed him sweetly.

"Baby, don't kiss me... as much as I love kissing you, I don't want you and the baby getting sick." He replied, gently pushing her away before choking out a cough.

"Okay. That's it. Enough work for you today, mister. That cough is terrible. We are going upstairs and getting you in bed."

"I'm not going to bed." Jared argued.

The glare he received had him chuckling, "Will you settle for the couch?"

"Don't laugh at me, and only if you promise to stay out of this lab. Jared, I mean it. You need to rest. You look like death warmed over."

"You're really sexy when you're bossy, Ace."

"I'm just trying to be a good wife and take care of my husband. He makes it difficult sometimes."

"Mmm," Jared hummed, a devilish smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. "Do you happen to have any of your old scrubs left? You could play dress up for me and be my naughty nurse. I remember how they fit you so snugly, your ass looks so good in them. And these perfect tits of yours, baby girl..." he growled, sliding his hands up her body, cupping her breasts and squeezing them. "I think they're already getting bigger!"

The giggle escaping Andrea's lips morphed into a moan as Jared's strong hands massaged her sensitive breasts. She felt her body quickly responding to his touch and began to grind her hips against his. She wanted to have her way with him in this chair. Reality and his current condition hit her as she brushed her cheek against his overheated face.

Kissing him once more, Andrea peppered fluttery kisses from his lips, across his cheeks, one landing on the tip of his nose before she placed a final kiss on his forehead.

"I'm dying to fuck you right here in this chair, but you're sick and I'm taking you upstairs. No if's or but's about it. If you're a good boy, and take your medicine I'll suck your cock before we go to sleep tonight."

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