Rescue Me | Chapter Thirteen

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The sound of Andrea's bare feet padding on the cool tile echoed into the kitchen where she found Shannon at the espresso machine.

"I would do anything you asked for one of those if you don't mind?" She gestured toward Shannon's cup.

"Hey Dee!" Andrea cringed and put her hands over her ears at the sound of his booming voice.

"Bear, please, my head." Andrea cringed, pressing her hands to her ears.

"Ah, so the sunglasses aren't a fashion statement. Someone is hungover." He grinned, then slid a cup full of espresso to her, "Double, with almond milk and one sugar. " Andrea pursed her lips to cool the hot liquid before taking a sip.

"Mm, will you marry me?" Andrea asked.

"Let's do it, we can elope! I think my brother would have an issue with that though." Shannon said, leaning against the counter. Andrea smiled at his playfulness, taking another drink.

"Where's Jamie?" Andrea mumbled, placing her head on the counter.

"Jamie?" Shannon questioned.

"Yes. I need to kick his ass for spiking the punch. I had no idea and drank SO MUCH." She lifted her head and massaged her temples, "I'm a one glass of wine on occasion kind of girl, Shan, I think I'm dying."

The side door creaked open and the sound of Jared humming flowed down the hallway. He appeared with both hands full of grocery bags. He sat them down on the counter.

"How are you feeling this morning, Andrea?" Jared asked.

"Like death. How did I end up in your bed?"

"It's not often you get asked that question, huh little brother?" Shannon chimed in, earning a glare from Jared.

"You don't remember what happened?" Jared inquired.

Andrea shook her head, "The last thing I recall is dancing with Shay and Jamie. Next thing I know, I'm alone in your bed with a splitting headache. Did I do something embarrassing?"

Andrea propped her chin onto her left hand, her eyes darted over the groceries Jared was unpacking. "You do your own shopping?" She asked in surprise.

"My new assistant got shit faced last night, so I had to. It appears she might also be a kleptomaniac. Nice shades, Tom Cruise." Jared teased.

"I'm really sorry, I had no idea the punch was spiked. You know I'm not much of a drinker! And I'm keeping these, I found them on your dresser." She said, raising her voice and then cringed.

Jared walked over to her and wrapped her in a half hug, "I know you aren't. Come on, let's get you back upstairs to rest." He reached down and grabbed her hand, pulling her up off the bar stool and toward the stairs.

"Wait! I didn't say bye to my bear." She turned and walked to Shannon, who was waiting with open arms for a hug.

"Feel better, sweetheart." He whispered.

"Bye, Bear. Thank you for the lifeblood."

Andrea returned to Jared's side, wrapped her arm around his waist and they walked down the hall.

They reached his room, "Go sit on the bed," he commanded, "I'll be right back."

Andrea walked over and sat on her side of the bed waiting for his return. She fisted her fingers in her hair looking around the room, hoping for a flashback of the night before.

Jared returned, glass of water in one hand as well as a wash rag. He sat beside her, opening his palm and placed two Tylenol in her hand, handing her the glass of water. Next, he swept her wavy hair into his hands, gathering it into a haphazard bun on top, using an elastic tie around his wrist to secure it.

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