Rescue Me | Chapter Fourteen

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Andrea's POV

Award season had been incredibly hectic. Jared's schedule was packed to the brim with interviews and luncheons. Tonight was the biggest night and closing night of the season, The 86th Academy Awards.

I pulled up at his house, exited my car, bent to pick up the NY Times off the sidewalk, grabbed the garment bags out of the back seat that contained my dress and his tuxedo, then headed inside.

Dust motes floated through the early morning sunlight that bathed his empty living room. I waited by the door for a moment and listened for signs of life.  Hearing nothing but silence, I draped my dress over the couch and made my way upstairs.

Ascending the metal staircase, I turned left to his bedroom and knocked lightly, "Jared?" When he didn't reply, I pushed the door open to find his bed empty.

Steam rolled through the air from the bathroom, when I heard the water shut off, I announced my presence.

"Jared, I've brought your suit for tonight. I'll hook it on the door in your closet. See you in a minute for breakfast." Rushing into his closet, I hooked his tux on the door and hurried back out hoping to escape without seeing him.

"Andrea, good morning." His smooth voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Good morning, Jared." I said, keeping my head turned towards the exit, afraid to make eye contact. I could tell he was wearing only a towel in my peripheral vision and it killed me. "I, um, I'll be in the kitchen getting the agenda together." I stated and exited his room.

When I reached the kitchen I completed my daily routine, pulling the items needed for our breakfast we shared together each day. Muesli, a mixture of fresh fruit, almond milk and started the kettle for tea. Next, I placed his newspaper and a pen on the table near the window.

The sound of my heels on the tile floor echoed loudly as I moved around annoying me, so I kicked them off knowing I'd have plenty of time in them this evening. I sat down at the table waiting for Jared to arrive.

Memories of that night at my place two months ago floated into my mind. I missed him so much, more than anything I missed sleeping with him. The way his mouth felt on me that night was amazing and watching him as I did my best to please him in return was forever burned into my brain.

In hindsight, I wished that I had asked him to make love to me. At least then I would have that memory. The following morning, we decided, well, mostly I decided that we had to keep things professional. He seemed irritated with me for days, but we worked our way back into the friend zone and made an excellent team. The sound of the kettle jolted me from my reverie. I stood and walked to the stove, shutting it off.

"Ah, now there's a sight to behold. You, barefoot in my kitchen." Jared said gently.

I turned my head to the doorway, "Knock it off and come eat your breakfast. Besides, that's not how that saying goes."

"I'd rather eat you for breakfast," he muttered. I was uncertain if I was meant to hear that, but it sent a shiver down my spine.

"I know the saying well, Andrea. But since it isn't currently possible for you to be pregnant, I omitted that part." He snarked.

"Oh, someone is pissy today I see." The glare I received made my tummy flutter. I sighed, and poured the steaming hot water into two mugs, carried them to the table and sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry, J. Let's start over so we can have a good day. You're going to win an Oscar tonight!"

"They don't give Oscar's to people like me, but it's great to be recognized at least." He said, dunking his tea sachet into his mug. I placed my hand on top of his that lay resting beside his bowl.

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