Rescue Me | Chapter Twelve

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The sounds of their moans and heavy breathing filled the hotel room. Jared thrusted his still fully clothed body against Andrea, "Ah, J..." she moaned, and snapped her hips in rhythm. Jared slid his hand underneath her shirt, up to her left breast, nipping the skin on her neck between kisses.

Andrea hissed and bucked her hips against him in response. Jared's phone rang from across the room, going ignored. Andrea slipped her hands under Jared's shirt, roaming his back and dug her nails into his skin.

Immediately, his phone rang again and Andrea pushed him away. Her chest heaved as she spoke, "You should probably get that, it's important if they've called back that quick." Jared seized her lips once more, "You're more important than whoever that is." He replied.

Andrea smiled into his kiss, "That's sweet, but," Jared sighed, interrupting her, "The moment is over, huh?" He thrusted his hips into her once more, making her moan. "You don't play fair, J."  With another slow thrust, "You're the one stopping me." He said with a wink as he bit at her bottom lip.

Jared stopped his movement, but Andrea still felt his semi-hardness against her mound and it drove her insane. "I know, and I'm sorry." She sighed, Looking up at him as he hovered over her and placed her hands on his arms.

"Don't be sorry for stopping something you aren't ready for." Jared said, leaning down to place a sweet kiss on her lips. Andrea turned her head to kiss the red symbol on his right wrist before she playfully bit him.

He pulled himself away and swatted her lightly on her ass, "You're going to pay for that someday." He threatened lightly as he walked to his phone, "It was Shannon, I'm going to sit out on the balcony to call him back." Andrea nodded from her position on the bed, watching him perch himself on the side of the balcony. His face illuminated by his screen, "Hey, bro." was the last thing she heard before she drifted to sleep.

Jared returned inside to find a sleeping Andrea. Suddenly struck by an idea, he called down to the front desk asking for assistance with their bags. Once they are loaded into the back of the SUV, Jared returned to the room. He scooped her into his arms, and whispered into her ear. "I can't sleep, so I decided to drive some more. I have a surprise for you." He gently placed her in the back seat, on the pillow provided by the hotel staff and covered her with a blanket, kissing her temple before taking off.

They arrived in Joshua Tree, California, just before dawn on Christmas morning. Jared stopped at a quaint little Air BNB he was lucky to obtain last minute through a friend of his.

The early morning sunlight flowed through the curtains. Andrea cracked an eye open taking in her surroundings. She furrowed her eyebrow in confusion, 'there was a balcony there last night' she thought.

She turned onto her right side to find a Jared, still sound asleep. Lightly snoring, his lips parted slightly, long hair tousled around him. The memory of last night floated through her mind and she smiled. It was so sexy when he threw her against that wall, the way his hand felt on her throat. The way he felt against her. Her memory caused a small moan escape her lips, she ached to be closer to him.

With a shaky hand, she reached across and pushed Jared's hair from his eyes to get a better view of him and scooted closer. "Merry Christmas, beautiful." Jared croaked. Andrea jumped, not expecting him to speak. Eyes still closed, he let out a breathy laugh. Through a smile, she replied, "First of all, if you could actually see me, you'd realize I'm not beautiful. And you scared me! It's not nice to play opossum."

He pushed her over onto her back, halfway hovered over her, propped up on his elbow. "First of all, Andrea," he paused, raising an eyebrow, "when I tell you you're beautiful, I fucking mean it. Are we clear?" His tone serious.

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