Rescue Me| Chapter Eight

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The next morning Andrea was working at Double Shot. She heard the door chime, and without looking up said a cheerful "Hello!" as she added coffee beans to the espresso machine reservoir. After placing the lid back, she glanced up to greet her customer and gasped when she saw a pair of familiari hazel eyes.

"Hey, Dee." Shannon smiled, "Could I please get some of that amazing coffee you make?"

"Sure, Shannon." Andrea smiled, and went to work. "Dee, huh? Is that one a keeper or are you just trying it out?" She asked. "I think that's the one if you're good with it?" He replied. "I like it just fine." She said.

"You ok?" Shannon asked, "I wish you would have stayed for the show. Andrea's cheeks colored slightly and she nodded her reply, and placed a large to-go cup on the counter. "Actually, I wanted to enjoy this here, could I have a mug instead? We could sit and talk?"

"I'm sorry Shannon, it's really busy this morning and I can't take a break right now." Andrea rushed out. Shannon looked over his shoulder towards the door, and all around the coffee shop before he turned back to Andrea. "Really? Do you serve ghosts? Because I don't see a single soul other than us." He chuckled.

Shannon pushed his bottom lip out pouting, "Please come sit with me, we don't have to talk. Just keep me company." Andrea rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fine. But I really do have work to do so I don't have long." She stated, walking across the shop to her favorite booth.

She sat down and quickly stood up again, "This better not be some kind of trap! He's not here, right?" Shannon watched her breathing pick up and smirked at the panic in her voice. He held his hands up, calmly motioning for her to sit down. "Simmer down, he's not here. I've not even spoken to him today. I just wanted to come by and make sure you're ok." Andrea sat down and gestured for Shannon to do the same. Sitting across from her, he asked again, "I know you didn't last night, but do you want to talk about it now?"

"What's there to talk about Shannon? You two now know my biggest, oddest secret. I've never had sex, it's out there, alert the media!" She frowned and rubbed her temples.

"It's not completely unheard of you know, especially if there's a trauma in your childhood." He offered in hopes to cheer her up.

"Yeah, well, you're not a single woman in her late twenties. I want to actually get to know someone before I take that step. I mean, I've waited this long I may as well. It already makes me awkward as hell." She huffed.

Shannon raised his eyebrow, "How so?" He asked. She looked at him in disbelief, "Seriously? Ok, let's say you're out on a date with this girl. First date, just for fun m'kay? Things are going great, you're having a lot of fun. Once you get to her house and walk her to the door, you kiss her and give hints you're after more. Only she stops you and turns you down. Guys get really pissed about that."

"Yeah, if they're assholes. Look, Dee, this doesn't make you awkward, in fact, in my opinion it makes you more attractive."

"Pff!" Andrea sputtered. "It wasn't like that at home and it's definitely not like that here. Did you see your brothers face?"

"Yeah, I did actually! He was shocked, not whatever else you're thinking. You're a beautiful woman, Andrea, that's not something you hear about often." Shannon said. "Oh, so because you say I'm 'beautiful' that makes it different?"

"Jesus, you're stubborn. Listen," Shannon bit his lip and rubbed his jaw. Deep in thought, his eyebrows knitted together, "Jared would kill me if he knew I said this. I don't think he's even realized it himself yet, but it seems you've gotten under his skin a little bit." His fingers played with the handle of his coffee mug as he waited for his words to absorb. Andrea shook her head in disbelief, "Yeah, ok. Sure, Shannon." She chuckled.

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