Guardian Angel Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Terra grinned at me and balled up her fists. More people flocked around us in a circle, yelling “Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!” Kelsey was staring at us, waiting for us to do something. I didn’t want to lay a hand on Terra. So I just stood still.

Terra stared at me with a frozen stare. It seemed to peer into my soul. Terra took one deep breath and then walked up close to me. I didn’t do anything but wait. Her arm rose up and then came flying down. I was waiting for the pain from the impact. But it never seemed to come. I blinked a few times to find a boy was standing in from of me, gripping Terra’s arm from coming down on me.

The boy said to Terra,

“You best not hurt her; you will only find yourself in a lot of trouble.” He calmly said. Terra’s eyes widened. She looked hard at the boy and said.

“Get out of my way; I have to beat her up!”
“You give me no choice.” He practically snarled. He picked up Terra us if she weighed nothing. Then threw her into Andrew’s arms.

“You might need to put her on a shorter leash Drew.” The boy said. Gosh, I couldn’t think of his name. But he looked strangely familiar.

“Shut up Jason, you can’t treat my girlfriend like that!” Andrew said. Oh, that’s his name. Jason. I still don’t know how I know him.

Jason smirked and walked out of the circle of people. The crowd let him through. I stared at Jason as he left. He turned around and winked at me. I blushed and looked down. I grabbed my things and went into the school. Within seconds, Kelsey had her arm linked to mine.

“Holy cow, I can’t believe Jason did that, it was awesome, and he is super cute.” She said. I couldn’t deny it. He is super cute. But I knew where she was going with this. She keeps complaining that I don’t have a boyfriend. And she thinks I have to have one. I don’t believe her; I mean I’m okay with being single. But maybe having a boyfriend would be nice. It’s just not my top priority.

“Well?” She asked me.

“Huh, sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” I told her.

 “Don’t you think you and Jason would be good for each other?” She repeated.

“I don’t know, I guess.” I said. Kelsey rolled her eyes and walked into homeroom. We had the exact same schedule. Except for one class, art. Our homeroom was history. I decided to go to the bathroom. As I was walking, I felt a sudden icy chill. I ignored it and went on. I saw a blur of black. I whipped my head around. Nothing was there. I thought I was being paranoid for nothing. I turned around to find myself face to face with Jason Riley.

“Hello sweetheart.” He said.


 DOUBLE UPLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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