United Again

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It's been awhile since I thought of him. I've accepted a long, loong, time ago that he's gone, and I won't remember why. But somehow, his lazy grins keep floating back. Somehow, time and time again, his grasp reaches me from the edges of my memories. Snippets of fun, adrenaline and pain.  A different world, where everything's perfect and yet flawed. I wish I could forget,but the past is permanent. And how can I possibly move on when I fear that I will forget him? I tried to get over him with Ash, but he's nothing like him. He looked like a nice guy,but first impressions are normally false. He ended up being a huge jerk and sold my favourite thing in the world, Hambo, to a witch!

It's not like I'm going emo or something. I look fine on the outside, though I will never be the same. I've gotten a bit crueler without him, though it's a good thing that I know when to stop and that I never do anything serious. I have friends, like Finn, Jake, and though I would never admit it, PB. She would always help someone, no matter what they did, and anyone would guess that me and PB were mortal enemies, though I guess you could call us best friends, when were not fighting. The truth is, the reason we fight is because SOMETIMES I let my temper get the best of me, when I remember everything I have lost in my immortal life and get a bit jealous that her life is so perfect and nobody can really hate her. Doesn't mean it's not hilarious to scare her.

I've searched the whole world for him. Though I know it's no use. Ever since my dad forced him into the other world, I have been waiting for hundreds of years, and the time is coming when our worlds unite again, though I don't want to get my hopes up.For all I know he might not even remember me though vampires have excellent memories. He might have already died, I don't know if his body survived the portal, as it was closing. Everyone in Ooo is excited because the portal should open up to The Land of Aaa, which is a parallel universe to ours and it claims that citizens in Aaa are the same in Ooo only gender swaped. If I'm not mistaken, it should open up tomorrow, though it's location is unknown. Peebles is working round the clock to find out it's location and still hasn't found it, though she is sure that it will stabilise for at least three days. My guess is that it'll open in the Candy Kingdom, as PB asked everyone to be there at midday tomorrow, when the portal should open. I don't think I should go, after all, if he gets into Ooo he'll find me, eventually.

I sigh and head to the kitchen and open up my fridge. Looks like I'm out of apples, again. I walk to my door pulling on my gloves, sun hat and grabbing my basket on the way.
I step outside only to see Finn and Jake running up to me.

"Sup?"I say as they approach me panting.
"Oh hi Marceline. PB wanted us to ask you if you're coming tomorrow," Finn wheezes.
"Dunno, probably not though," I reply casually.
"So you're not AT ALL excited to meet yourself, but as a different person?" Jake questions.
"Nah, don't think it will be worth my time," I lie.
"Uh-huh," Jake replies sarcasticly.
"Come on Marcy! Everybody's looking forward to it!" Finn insists.
"Okay, okay!" I say as I roll my eyes. They were getting pretty annoying.
"Great! See you tomorrow!" Finn says as he waves and starts running again with Jake.

Now where was I? Right, I was going to pick some more strawberrys and apples. I float along the path to the woods as I spot my favourite apple tree. I sit on one of the highest branches as I start picking. I thought this would help me get my mind off him, but it doesn't help at all.


"Race you to the tree!"I say.
"You're on!" he replied.
I giggle as we sprinted to the tree. Then I start climbing and he does too. As we made our way up to the top he got there a split second before I did.
"And the king wins again!" he boasts as I roll my eyes.
"You had an advantage!"I argue as I try to look at him with an annoyed face, though my smile refuses to cooperate.
"Oh, really?" he asks in a mocking tone.
"Excuse me but which one of us is: A, using pesky little ballet flats and B, wearing a dress?" I reply with a triumphant face.
"Whatever..." he mummers, making me grin.

(Ends flashback)

As I finish collecting apples I climb down. I float over to a strawberry bush and pick a few. I'm starting to get a headache and one name keeps repeating itself in my head, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall.

United Again {Marcelee} Where stories live. Discover now