Chapter Seven

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Princess Bubblegum POV

That was so embarrassing! I can feel my cheeks growing warmer as Fionna, Marceline and me walk off the stage. I know I'm a horrible singer and plus, it was way too close to the truth. Marceline probably saw me stare at Prince Gumball! This is not my best day, I have been embarrassed and kinda outsmarted by Marceline. Oh My Gosh! Prince Gumball's coming my way! Quick hide! Wait, hide? PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER BONNIBEL!!! You are hosting this party and you will NOT let your emotions get the best of you because of some petty crush. Okay, maybe not petty, but still! Argh! I sound like one of those completely lovey dovey teenagers. Okay, okay, okay. I can see I'm not going to get anywhere by talking to myself, so here's what I'm NOT going to do:

- Panic

- Hide

- Embarrass myself (again)

- Yeah, that's pretty much it.

I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Gumball. I can feel a light blush spread on my cheeks. Hopefully my skin is pink enough so he won't see that.

"What a performance! I didn't know you sing princess," he said.

"That's because I don't, see this is my first time," I replied, my cheeks turning crimson.

We chatted for a while and I somehow managed to stop blushing, for part of the time. We had a lot of similarities, though we were very far from being the same. I wish we could talk for longer, but soon Fionna called us over to our table, where Marceline, Marshall, Finn, Cake, Jake, Lady, Lord and Flame Prince and Princess were seated. It seems that Jake and Cake were having one of their arguments again. They seem to hate each other since they met. I guess it's just natural that cats and dogs hate each other at first (at least).

"Great party guys!" Fionna commented, "One of the best I've ever been to and you guys pulled it off in a couple of hours. Congrats!"

We politely thanked her as everybody else nodded their head in agreement.

"Hey, what about we all have a sleep over here at the Candy Kingdom tonight?" Finn suggested, "Then we could have a prank everybody while they're sleeping!"

Finn and Fionna were smiling as if the idea was brilliant, and it was good, exept for the pranking thing. I can see Jake nudge Finn and whisper something in his ear. Finn's expression changes from happy to embarrassed and Flame Princess giggles at his reaction.

"Why not? It's always sad to see our guests leave at the end of the day, but please don't prank us while we sleep," Gumball remarks.

"Does everybody agree?" I ask.

The vampires hesitate before nodding, Marceline has been softer today, but I'm sure it'll wear off. It always does.

"Okay, so everybody will meet at approximately half past midnight in the main hall" I say.

"Hey Marsh, isn't it time for another song?" Marceline asks facing Marshall.

He grins before replying, "It sure is."

"Any suggestions?" Marceline asks.

"Oooh! What about a slow one?" Cake asks.

"Then a slow one it is," Marshall says before dragging Marceline to the stage.



I told myself I had to incude a non-song chapter, which also includes the ball. Marcelee is the main ship here, but also the slowest. I'm still building it up! I don't know how to pair FinnxFionna and Bubbleball very well, I probably won't put their first kiss or date in first person here. I'd like to put some of the boys POV, I'm waiting for the right moment.

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