Chapter Twelve

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Fionna's POV

"Finn, U-uhh, thanks for catching me," I say awkwardly, a burning sensation on my cheeks.

"Hey, no probs, that's what heroes do!" he said, thumping his chest with his hand.

He was childish, yet that's what I like about him the most. All the other boys I crushed on never seemed to be into my adventuring sort of thing. Though I've only been with him for a short time, I'm already quite fond of him. I know I like him, but the question is if he likes me back. I'm not ready to admit my feelings to him, YET.

"He look, the Sun's coming up!" he points out as he rushes to the open window, in the opposite side of the room.

I follow him and look towards the horizon. The sky is painted different shades of blue, purple and pink. It's wonderful sight, and it makes me gasp in wonder. The Sun hurts my eyes, but I continue staring at it. It seems as if a golden light is melting through all the other colours. By far, it's the best sunrise I've ever seen.

"Ummm, Fionna what's that?" he says pointing in the direction of the sun.

I soon notice that the Sun isn't shining on my face anymore, something swirly and white is blocking it's rays. The swirly thing gets closer with each passing second, making the details become clearer and clearer.

"Is that a...." he starts.

"SNOWSTORM!!!!!!" I yell.

We quickly turn our heads, so that we are facing each other, and share panicked expressions.


(Starting from the point that they left the room)

Princess Bubblegum's POV

He opens the door to the nearest guest room and we flop the mattresses as far as possible. Surprisingly, the room is quite small, so the mattresses are right beside each other. I'm extremely sleepy so I just crawl on to the mattress, pull on the covers and fall asleep without noticing this. I think he did the same to, but I can't be sure because I had my eyelids closed.


(An hour later)

I hear someone yell from another room, something like, throw norm? This causes me to jolt up and suddenly realise that I'm not in my room. I'm sure I'm in the Candy Kingdom, maybe one of the guest rooms in the west wing? My memories come flooding back and I soon notice an important detail that I hadn't recognised before... I'm kissing Gumball. My eyes grow wide in shock and I lean back on my elbows to the other side the room, breaking the kiss. He looks just as confused as I am, but before I can think of theories of how this might've happened, we hear shouts from outside. We both turn our heads to the door, the kiss forgotten temporarily.

"SNOWSTORM! SNOWSTORM!" two voices yell simultaneously.

As if automatically, both of leap on to our feet, slam the door open and run down the corridors.



I wanted this chapter to be longer, but I also wanted to update. :T

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