Chapter Five

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Princess Bubblegum's POV

"Okay, let me get this straight, THERE IS NO WAY I'M GOING TO WEAR THIS AT A PARTY. I mean like, these dresses are sweeping the floor! There made for royal balls, not a party," Marceline said.

"But" I started.

"I'm with her!" Fionna said, throwing an arm around Marceline.

"But" I started again.

"Fionna! You haven't touched a dress in ages! You should start wearing them more often!" Cake interrupted.

To cut this short, we ended up quarrelling quite a bit, but it in the end, we all agreed Cake would help us make some changes to the outfits. The results were very different from I had expected, Marceline was wearing a black jumpsuit shorts with a short sleeved white shirt underneath, black combat boots, and her hair loose. Cake wore a simple green bow dotted with white. Fionna wore her usual attire, but without her socks, Mary Janes, and bunny hat. Cake had convinced her to wear some black ballet flats, Marceline had "borrowed" her hat and I had braided her hair. Lastly, I wore a light pink short sleeved dress, that went down to my knees, some purple boots, and a matching purple belt. I really liked my dress, it's PINK!! I love pink! And I had also left my hair loose. I had also invited Flame Princess, and she had arrived shortly after Cake was done sewing, she had a spell on which prevented her from burning anything and making her skin, clothes and hair blue. She was wearing an orange sleeveless dress, a short red jacket and some red heels (or so she claimed, she couldn't prove it because the spell made all of her clothes blue!). Somehow, she had managed to pull her hair down. I was quite confused by how she did it without wetting her hair, but she only replied, "I just make it go down", which left me in an even more muddled state. I'll have to experiment tomorrow, after all, the party starts in less than half an hour! We were almost ready, but not quite. We were still missing some make up and accesories. Cake didn't add anything on, she said that make up could damage her fur and that cats don't wear jewellery. Normal cats don't talk either, but I decided not to bring that up. Fionna refused to let us apply anything to her face, Marceline was getting pretty pissed off, so it ended up with me and Cake cleaning my room and the two girls cooling off in separate corners. As you can guess, it didn't go well. Marceline was using some red lipstick and two silver bangles, Flame Princess and Fionna didn't want to add anything, and I had applied a light blush and lip gloss. I didn't notice how much time passed until i finally looked at my time machine (or in other words, clock), we only had five minutes left before the party started! Crumbs! I hate being late, we had agreed to be at the ballroom fifteen minutes early!

"Quickly everyone! Were already late!" I said as I ushered everyone out of my bedroom.

The halls were deserted as all the palace staff were getting ready for the party, making it easier for us to glide through the halls. When we arrived at the ballroom (or as Fionna called it party central), only Prince Gumball was there. I had asked him where the other boys were and he replied saying that they were on their way, though he tried to convince them to hurry up, but failed. I giggled a bit at this, he reminded me some much of... well, myself. Were not exactly the same person, more like born the same, yet with slightly different lives. A small thing could change everything. Most of the time, the son or daughter gains his or her personality with how the parents treat the child. Though I can see he isn't so different from me. He's actually pretty cute...

Marceline's POV

The party had already started and dozens of guests were already inside. I guess most candy citizens are pretty punctual. Marshall's ruffling my hair right now, he's about seven inches taller than me.

"Ready for the first song?" he asked.

I grinned and replied, "ready as I'll ever be."

We made our way to the small stage at the front of the room as I revised the song in my mind. It was actually made for a kiddie movie (though a bunch of older people watch it), the situation felt so similar, I couldn't help it. I began to strum the first notes and then Marshall joined me.

(I thought I lost you by Miley Cyrus ft John Travolta)


Nobody listens to me, don't hear a single thing I've said
Say anything to soothe me, anything to get you from my head
Don't know how really I feel,
Cause it's the faith that makes it like I don't care
Don't know how much it hurts to turn around like you were never there
Like somehow you could be replaced and I could walk away from the promises we made
And swore we'd never break!!

I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I'd never see your sweet face again.
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
but I kept the moments that we were in
'Cause I hoped in my heart, that you would come back to me my friend
And now I got you, but I thought I lost you!

I felt so empty out there, and there were days I had my doubts
but I knew I'd find you somewhere
because I knew I couldn't live without you in my life for one more day
and I swore I'd never break a promise that we made

I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I'd never see your sweet face again.
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
but I kept the moments that we were in
'Cause I hoped in my heart, that you would come back to me, my friend
And now I got you, but I thought I lost you!

I told myself I wouldn't sleep 'til I searched the world from sea to sea

I made a wish upon a star, I turned around and there you were

And now here we are, are

here we are
I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you too

I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you


I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I'd never see your sweet face again.
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
but I kept the moments that we were in
and I knew in my heart, that you would come back to me, my friend
And now I got you, I thought I lost you!

but I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you too

so glad I got you, got you

so glad I got you, yeah yeah
I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you too



You guys might hate me for putting this song in, it might be old, but it's the only one I could think of that was in a similar situation. I'm gonna throw a bunch of songs in the story now. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! Oh and if you liked the song, I really appreaciate it. =D


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