Chapter Thirteen

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Marceline's POV

I wake up to some shouting below me. The two humans are fleeing the room, yelling like crazy. When I finally make out what they were saying, it was too late. Snow and frost pressed against the windows, almost pushing them open. I grab Marshall's shoulders and shake them violently, waking him up.

"Wha-" he starts

"We're trapped inside the Candy Kingdom because of a snowstorm," I say quickly.

He finally notices that the room's cheerful atmosphere has vanished, to be replaced by a cold breeze.

"What now?" he asks quietly.

"I don't know, Finn and Fionna already left to alert the others. We can't leave by the windows because they're sealed with ice. We could try to go up, but I'm sure the weather will be worse there."

"Okay, so we just wait?"

"I guess, this is probably the Ice King and Queen's doing, nothing natural could've caused this."

"Maybe, we should go somewhere else, they must have some sort of bunker, and we'll be covered in frost if we don't move."

I scanned the floor and noticed he was right, the snow was growing at a worrying pace.

"Alright then, where to?" I ask.

"You tell me, we're in YOUR dimension," he pouts.

"But it's the same thing!" I whine.

"No it isn't, and if you don't tell me soon, we'll be buried in snow," he says.

I sigh in annoyance and lead him in to the corridor.

"If there is any bunker, there should be an entrance nearby, but I don't know where it is," I say.

"Then let's just follow the pinkies," he points out.

I finally notice two figures sprinting down the hall in the opposite direction. We catch up to them easily, floating takes up a lot less energy than running. They stop racing when we reach a deliciously red trap door, and pull it open. I didn't think they'd noticed our presence, but they whip their heads back to us.

"Quickly, inside" Gumball demands.

I float down and Marshall does too, rather stubbornly, he doesn't like to be given orders. I stare in amazement as I notice the size of the place. It's enormous! I was expecting something small and dirty, but this is amazing! It's smaller than the Candy Palace, but bigger than my house. All of the palace staff was already here, enjoying themselves. There's all sort of things down here! There are Ping-pong and snooker tables there, a bar here, it's like a dream land.

"How did you.." I start.

"The Ice King comes here quite often, so I made some adjustment to make the place more comfortable," PB says.

"SOME adjustments? This place is huge! There's even an arcade down there!" Marshall points out, his eyes growing wide in amazement.

"Well then, enjoy yourselves! I, uh, have to discuss something with the prince," Bubblegum says, her cheeks growing red.

I sense something fishy.

"Alright then, catch you guys later!" I shout as I'm dragged away by Marshall.

He could be so childish at times.



Short, but I'm writing more :)

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