Chapter Two

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Marceline's POV

I drop my hat, gloves and basket at the kitchen table and race up to my bedroom. My head was throbbing and demanding sleep as my eyelids were slowly getting heavier. I collapse on my bed and moan as all my memories feel more alive and vivid with each passing second. I can hear his laugh ringing in my ears and my body tensing up as I start to sweat. Then everything goes black.

I wake up to see that I'm still lying in the same position for two hours and that my headache is gone, though I'm with a horrible fever. How is this even possible? Vampires aren't supposed to catch a fever. I start to sweat again when I think about it then start to cool off when I calm myself down.

"I must be overreacting, maybe I stayed too long in the sun," I think out loud to myself.

I stand up and open up the window to find how refreshing it is after sweating.

"Ewww.." I think, then head to the bathroom.

I take a shower, blow-dry my hair then slip into an oversized black V shaped neck line shirt with a blood red skull spray painted in the bottom right corner and some dark gray shorts. I slip under the covers and start to feel my thoughts melting away, to be replaced by a face with fire red orbs, cole black hair and a cunning smirk that I knew so well....
I step out of my trance and jerk up, so that I'm sitting up in bed. I'm exhausted and whether I like it or not, I'm not about to let him invade my thoughts, again. I lie down and close my eyes as I find myself drifting off again.

All I can see is darkness. It's creeping up around me, and I know it's useless to run. Darkness is a mist, it comes slowly, then swallows you whole. I feel weak and my strength is failing. I drop to the ground and feel it's cold and smooth surface. I recognise it immediately as the Nightosphere, I should have known that my dad would come. I see him now, his pale skin complementing the black, his eyes as hard as stone.

"Marceline, how good to see you again," he said, his face blank, emotionless.
"What do you want?" I snapped, a hot tension growing inside me, a thirst to let it's power out.
"Marceline, you are well aware of what I want you to avoid," he stated. "We both know that the portal to the Land of Aaa will open tomorrow, and you can not, by all means, see that boy Marshall again. His mother is a menance, a woman of disgrace, which is too stubborn to bow down to her Lord. She was always an enemy of this family. After some arguments, we finally agreed that we would divide the Nightosphere in two, naming them the Nightosphere of Ooo and the Nightosphere of Aaa. As you know, our family kept the Nightosphere in Ooo while they kept the one in Aaa, taking that boy with her. He is a threat to this familly, and I forbid you to see him, am I clear?"
"WHEN WILL YOU STOP TREATING ME LIKE A CHILD? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER MY LIFE? All you will ever do is bring chaos and destruction everywhere you go! STAY AWAY FROM ME! I can see him all I like and if you'd excuse me, I have somewhere better to be!"I yelled, storming out of the room.


I wake up and find myself in my bed. He must've gotten into my head and mentally transported my to the Nightosphere. I hate it when people get into my head, it makes me feel so vulnerable, powerless. It takes me a second to realise what day it is and another one for me to fall down on my head. I can feel my energy draining just thinking about it. I'm extremely lazy in the mornings and probably wouldn't go to THE CANDY KINGDOM and stand for about an hour in the sun, if it weren't for him. I force my body to take a shower and get dressed in my gray tank top, black jeans and some knee-high converses, I give my hair a brush, grab my umbrella and turn to the door. I place my hand on the doorknob and ask myself, "Are you ready to see him again?". I inhale deeply and float over to the Candy Kingdom.
Everything is too bright for my taste, and practically the whole KINGDOM is covered in banners. Some giddy little lollypop girls are chatting excitedly in the corner, like the many other groups of people scattered around the area. Excitement is bursting in the air, giving me a strange feeling in my stomach. As the noise dies down, people take their seats and Peebles walks up on stage. She starts off with a speech about the first time the portal opened, about ten thousand years ago, then heads into a long and complex explanation about how a world open up to one another because of the cosmic energy outside the galaxies and etc. I would have normally dosed off in any other occasion, but my anxiousness wouldn't allow it. Every tick of my watch started driving me mad, and my face got even paler.
PB finished her speech, then announced, "yesterday night I have finally found out why I couldn't find out where the portal will be located before, because it isn't really a portal, Aaa will simply be teleported to Ooo, and your parallel selves should either appear in front or behind you. We aren't going to be teleported to Aaa because the energy is now flowing in a different direction than last time, when Ooo civilians were transported to Aaa.That is why I will ask all of you to spread out all over Ooo, so we won't collide with each other when the clock ticks twelve."
Did she just say that? I can't hear Bubblegum over all the pounding in my head, and my vision is going blurry. I see people beginning to leave, confirming what I heard. I stand up and wonder where I should go. Well, I obviously can't stay here, he might not have an umbrella or hat. I look around and see where everyone else is going. Bonnibel is going to her castle, Finn and Jake are heading to "their" Treefort, and other candy people are simply wandering around the Kingdom. I check my watch and it reads eleven forty seven, enough time for me to go back to my house.
I float over to my cave and go inside my house, plopping down on the couch. "Ouch!" I think, no wonder I don't sit down often, this settee is as hard as a rock! I check my watch again, eleven fifty eight. One hundred and twenty seconds to go. I still feel jumpy even though time will move on, no matter what I do. I cross my legs at an attempt to medidtate, but I can't concentrate on anything, my head is too full of thoughts. I check my watch for the third time and almost scream, because only one second is left. A blinding white light covers my vision, forcing my eyes to squirm.
As the light goes away, I notice a figure floating above me, wearing a red plaid, skinny jeans and black converses. His eyes are fire red and his hair is a cole black. I grin when I recognise him, he's a lot older, but I could spot him a mile away. He grins back and I whisper his name, "Marshal.."

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