Chapter Six

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Marceline's POV

The audience applauded and we walked off the stage after bowing a little. Now that Marshall's here, I seem to feel as if I weigh nothing, like I'm wearing a cloak of heat. Hmm, I'll think about it later. I look around the ballroom and spot the girls. I was about to walk up to them when I noticed Bonnie kept glancing at Gumball, or as Marshall would call him, Bubba. I giggled as I watched the princess stare at him, looks like someone got a crush. Let's see, what about Fionna? If she's anything like Finn, this will be easy. Looks like I'm right, I noticed there's a light blush on her face, normal people wouldn't see that but I'm a vampire so... you get the picture. She's talking to Finn, so I guess she likes him. Maybe she's the one who will be saved for once. It looks like I'm gonna be Cupid for tonight. Now how do I pair them up? Okay, hold on, I can't force them to fall in love, it takes a while to do that. Think Marcy, think! What if I? Well, it's worth a try. I walk up to them and drag them to a corner of the room and lower my voice so people can't hear us.

"Hey guys! How about you sing the next song?" I whisper.

"Okay..." Fionna replied.

"I don't know how to sing!" Bonnie argued.

"You'll do fine!" I said, "Just go with it!"

"But I hired you to be the musician!"

"Yeah, but you didn't hire me to be a singer and plus, if you hired me, wouldn't I get paid?"

"I was going to pay you after the party!"

"No you weren't."

"How would you know that?"


"Since when do you have telepathy?"

"I don't"

"But you said you had telepathy!"

"I said telepathy, not that I had telepathy."

"But then why would you say telepathy?"

"To make you admit something that I wasn't sure about. See? You said how would you know that."

"True. But we're friends right?"

"Maybe, but friends still pay each other."

"Hey, I never said I was going to pay you!"

"You should know I don't play for free."

"That's not true! You do it all the time!"

"Do not."


"Hey break it up you guys!" Fionna whisper-shouted.

I stuck out my tongue at Peebles to receive a glare from Fionna and then continued explaining, or rather, started.

(Ten minutes later)

I had now learned that Fionna knew how to play the drums and Bubblegum knew how to play the keyboard. They took their place behind their instruments as I adjusted the Bonnibel's and Fionna's mic and slipped on the strap of my base on my shoulder. I motioned for Fionna to start her drumming and then Bubblegum began singing.

(Brokenhearted by Karmin)




Uh, come on



This is more than the typical kinda thing

Felt the jolts in my bones when you were touching me

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