Chapter Nine

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Prince Gumball's POV

Almost all the guests have already left now, and I'm heading to the main hall to meet the others. I kept thinking about Bonnibel, how she was so polite and friendly. It's nice to have someone that understands you once in a while. We're so a like! But our personalities are quite different. As I approached the main hall, I could see that only Bubblegum had arrived. Wonder where everybody else went goofing off to. Perhaps they're saying goodbye to the few guests who have not left yet? What if they got lost in the garden maze? No, Marshall and Marceline could just fly up and..BUMP.

"Oh my! My sincere apologies princess!" I said as I helped Bonnibel back on her feet.

"It's alright, you don't have to be so formal with me."she replied.

It was quite shocking. I hadn't expected the princess to say that, but I soon felt that I had a stronger connection with her. Hardly anyone asks me to be informal. Finally someone else that I don't have to be so uptight with.

"Really? Most people want me to be MORE formal" I sighed.

The pink haired princess giggled before replying, "Yeah, I know how it feels. It's nice to take a break at the end of the day. Or in this case, start."

"I guess your right, I always wish that we could go back when we didn't have so many responsibilities." I said after slouching on the wall.

She looked around and said, "Hey, where do you think everyone else is? They're already seven minutes late."

"I was just wondering about that before I bumped in to.." I was interrupted by a voice above my head.

"Aww, you guys actually care about us? How sweet" it said in a mocking tone.

I looked up to see Marshall and Marceline smirking down at us. I simply rolled my eyes as I heard foot steps approaching.

"We're here!" Finn said.

I noticed that he was riding Jake and Fionna was with him, riding Cake.

"Where are Flame prince and princess?" Princess Bubblegum asks them.

"Oh, they said they couldn't make it because the spell won't last through the whole night." Cake replied.

"What a shame, it looks like they'll have to come next time," Bubblegum said.

I was about to lead them to their rooms when it hit me.

"Uhh... what's that smell?" I ask out loud.

Automatically everybody starts smelling their armpits exept for me and Bubblegum.

"Your right, we all need a shower," Fionna said.

"Then I suggest we all head to the rest rooms" Bubblegum said before leading the girls to the opposite direction.

I don't know what it was, but something broke inside just by seeing her go. I wanted her to stay, to hear her laugh ringing in my ears, to be by her side. I quickly shook that thought away as I showed the boys the way to the bathroom.

------------------------------------During shower--------------------------------------------

"Hey Marshall, do you know what song this is?" Finn said before whistling a tune.

I soon recognise it as one of those tunes that keeps blaring on Marshall's I pod.

"Sure Finn, it goes something like this," he says.

(It Girl by Jason Derulo)


I've been looking under rocks and breaking locks

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