Chapter Ten

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3rd Person POV:

"What are you doing here"? Virgil demanded, Deceit smirking. "What? Is it wrong to say hello to some dear friends"? He questioned, a devilish smirk forming on his face.

"We are not friends", Roman replied, Deceit looking at him. He smirked. "Why, hello Princey~", he said in a flirtatious tone. This made Virgil mad. Not only because he was flirting with Roman and calling him Princey out of place, he was messing with Virgil's Prince. Virgil stood in front of Deceit, shoving him.

"Don't speak to my boyfriend that way"! He demanded, the room going quiet. Deceit raised a brow, and he laughed. "Oh my, you make me laugh", he stated, making Virgil growl. He locked eyes with Virgil. "Do you really love him"? He questioned. Roman felt scared. Did Virgil really love him.

"Of course I do! What kinda of question is that"?! Virgil retorted. Deceit smirked, circling Virgil. "Well, it could be a joke. A sick prank to make Little Roman feel the love he wants", he replied, looking at Roman. He had pure terror in his eyes. Deceit was doing the right thing.

"That's a bunch of lies! Why would he think of listening to you!? He is much more smarter than that"! Virgil boomed, growling. Deceit smirked. "I have my ways~". And with that, he vanished. Virgil looked at Roman, seeing the terror in his eyes. "Roman, you know none of that is true", he said as he approached his loved one, cupping his face. "I love you more than anything". Roman couldn't help but smile. "I love you too, Virgil". With that, Virgil pulled him into a loving kiss. Roman kissed back, smiling. The two pulled away, pressing their foreheads together.

-Time Skip 1 Hour-

Roman was in his room, looking into a mirror as he did his hair. Virgil was out yet again, so Roman did his hair to pass the time. He looked into the mirror to see if his hair looked fine, when he saw something. Deceit, just a few feet away from behind Roman. Roman spun around. No one was there. He looked around his room just to make sure before turning around. Once he turned around, he was greeted by Deceit. He jumped, backing up. "Deceit"?! He questioned, Deceit smirking.

"Helloooo Princey~", he said in a flirtatious tone yet again. Roman glared at him. "Why are you in my room"?! Roman demanded, reaching for his sword. He grabbed the handle, welding it. Deceit vanished. Roman looked around, when a hand grabbed his wrists from behind. He gasped, him being pinned to the wall by Deceit.

"Why, I wanted to see you~", he replied. Roman struggled to get free. "Unhand me at once"!! He demanded, Deceit chuckling. He held Roman's hands above his head with one hand, the other grabbing his chin so that Roman would face him. Roman looked scared. "Now, why would I do that"? Without giving him time to reply, he pressed his lips against Roman's. Roman's eyes widened, and he closed his eyes to concentrate on getting free as he screamed. But....he stopped. He furrowed his brows and stopped struggling. He began to kiss back. Deceit smirked. He pulled away, his eyes half lided. Roman opened his eyes. The beautiful brown color was no more. They were now yellow, and he had snake like pupils."I love you, Roman", Deceit said, Roman blushing. "I love you, Deceit".

-Time Skip 1 Hour-

Virgil walked into the house with Thomas. "Princey! I'm h-". He froze. There, on the couch, were Roman and Deceit. But.....they were making out. Virgil's heart shattered. "P-Princey..."? He said, tears filling his eyes. Roman pulled away from the kiss, looking at Virgil. Virgil's eyes widened at his piercing yellow eyes.

"Oh.....Hello Virgil...", Roman said in a disgusted tone. He looked Virgil up and down, Deceit smirking as he watched. Virgil first felt heart break....betrayal......nothing. But now, every drop of his blood was filled with hatred. He growled, storming over to Deceit. "What did you do to him"!?!?!? He boomed, Roman growling. He stood, shoving Virgil. "Back off"! He demanded, Virgil's eyes filled with hurt. "Princey....I thought you loved me..", he said, trying to snap him out of it. Roman smirked.

"I thought you loved me, too. But I guess I was too stupid to see you didn't..", he replied coldly. "Besides, Deceit actually treats me like a prince". Virgil's Anxiety kicked in, and he saw Deceit smirking. He couldn't take it, and he stormed off to his room.

Princey smirked as he watched. But every part of him inside wanted to cry, to chase after him and tell him how much he loved Virgil. To cover his face in sweet kisses, and suffocate him with hugs. But now, he couldn't. All because of Deceit. He felt a pair of arms snake around him. "Come, my love. How about a nice lunch"? Roman smiled, but in side he wanted to punch Deceit to a bloody pulp. He nods. "That sounds lovely, Honey~"

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