Chapter Eleven

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3rd Person POV:

Patton bit his lip, standing at Roman's door. He shakily sighed, gently knocking on the door. "Enter", said Roman from the other side, Patton gulping. He gripped the door knob, turning it, and pushed the door open. Patton saw Roman sitting at his vanity, fixing his hair. What made a shivered go down his back was Roman's piercing yellow eyes that met with his.

"Oh, greeting Patton", he said kindly, turning around to face him. Patton felt his blood run cold. The left side of his face began to get greenish-yellow scales. Patton gulped quietly, closing the door.

"H-Hey, kiddo...I-I wanted to ask you something..", he said, standing straight. "Ask away". Patton took a deep breath. "D-Do you still love Virgil? Like, a plato-" "I wish to not speak of Virgil". He turned around, facing his vanity once again. Patton was taken aback. "B-But...I thought you loved him-"

"I thought he loved me, but I was wrong. Wrong all along. He never loved me. It was all of a lie. Just a bi-"

"He isn't lying, Deceit is!" Patton boomed, Roman being taken aback. "He loved you with all of his heart, and you honestly think Deceit is better? Virgil-"

"Patton, I have the feeling that you must leave...", Roman said, looking down slightly. Patton was about to say something, until he looked into the vanity mirror. There, in the reflection, was Deceit towering over Patton from behind. Patton's eyes widened, him spinning around and backing up. Deceit glared at him, Roman watching through the mirror. He was fighting every part of him that wanted to sit back and watch, and he turned around. Deceit approached him, and that's when Roman snapped. He stood, just when Deceit was going to strike a punch at him. Roman grabbed his wrist, growling.

"Patton, get out! NOW!" He demanded, Patton having tears in his eyes. He ran out of the room, the door shutting behind him on accident. Deceit looked at Roman, growling. He slapped him across the face. Roman hissed in pain, a red mark forming on his face. Deceit grabbed his chin, making Roman looking him in the eye.

"Listen here, you little brat. Do that again and next time I'll give you a black eye!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?!?" Roman quickly nodded, tears in his eyes. Deceit sighed. He kissed Roman, Roman slowly kissing back. The scales grew on his face, Deceit pulling away. "I'm sorry I hurt you, my love", he calmly stated. Roman knew he was lying, but he began to think otherwise. "I forgive you, Deceit.."

Patton ran out of Roman's room in complete fear, accidentally ramming into someone. He backed up, shielding his head with his arms. "P-Please don't hurt me!!!" He exclaimed.

"Patton?" A voice asked. He looked, seeing..

"LOGAN!!" He exclaimed, hugging him tightly. Logan was a little confused, but he hugged back. "Patton, what on Earth happened?" Patton was too busy crying, only making out the words 'Roman..Deceit..Hurt'. Virgil's heart dropped, him looking at the two. He walked over, grabbing his shoulders.

"Patton, tell me what happened!" He demanded, Patton sniffling. "I-I walked in and R-Roman's f-face had s-scales and D-Deceit is h-hurting him!" He replied. Suddenly, their door opened. The three looked, seeing an emotionless Roman following Deceit. Virgil's heart shattered, seeing the scales that Patton was talking about. Deceit smirked at Virgil. He was stuck staring at Roman, and Roman ever so slightly glanced at him. He could see in his eyes that he was wanting help. He knew Roman was still in there. He just had to figure out how to help his beloved..

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