Chapter 7

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Molly's P.O.V

As we pulled up outside what looked like a small, and I mean really small house, the car came to a stop.

"Get out we are here" hunter grumbled, I did as I was told even through I was irritated by the way he spoke to me.

Following hunter up the path to his front door the wind below vigorously around my body, making my hair whip my face,

just as we steped on the door step and hunter was looking for his keys,

my phone made a farting noise, signalling I had just gotten a text, I really have to change that, hunter just gave me a strange look, I pull out my phone and have a text from a unknown number the text read

Hey Molly it Sophie I got your number off of Georgie hope you don't mind and your face doesn't hurt for to long xx

i laughed out load at the text and hunter gave me a what the rude word hell look, before opening the door and motioning me to step inside.

The house was actually really clean for a teenage boy to be living here "go in the toilet and wait for me in there" hunter said.

I went down the hall towards the bathroom, once I got there a pulled open the door and sat on the toilet seat awaiting hunters return.

2 minuets later hunter walked in and knelt down in between my legs and open the first aid kit.

"I can't believe you out of all people took a punch for me" hunter mumbled with a small smile on his face, whilst he dabbed my nose and lip,

"the things miller where saying weren't nice and seemed unfair, besides I don't like seeing fight, and I didn't really expect him to actually hit me" I say, hunter just laughed.

He leaned in to take a closer look at my still bleeding lip, "this might hurt" he mumbled again,

as he dabbed my lip I scrunched up my face at the burning sensation shooting through my lip "sorry" Hunter muttered "s'okay" I say.

"Yep you have a busted lip and a bruised nose" hunter told me still leaning close to me, before I could do anything hunter eyes flicked from my lips to my eyes and back to my lips.

Then I felt his warm soft lips on mine!

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