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Today is the day of my graduation and I never felt so happy and excited.

"Omo! My daughter looks so pretty as ever!" Eomma said.

I just finished dressing up into my black haltered dress and applying a light amount of makeup on my face. I also curled the ends of my long hair and wore the black heels Eomma bought me yesterday.

"Our daughter never fails to make us proud." Appa said.

And with that, I hugged the both of them.

We're still in the house and yet we're already hugging each other.

When everything's settled, we went inside Appa's car and he drove to my school since our graduation will be held in our auditorium. When we arrived there, I saw Megan and Tiffany on their respective seats and I made my way to seat beside them. They happily looked at me and waved their hands.

"Hailey!" They both happily said.

"Hey girls! Congratulations to us!" I happily said.

"I know right! We made it!" They said.

"Are you with your parents?" Megan asked me.

"Yup! They're seated at the back." I said.

"My parents came as well!" Tiffany said.

"Me too!" Megan said.

"Of course, who wouldn't want to miss our graduation ceremony?" I said.

The program started and everyone became quiet yet emotional since we're really going to graduate and separate for us to achieve our dreams in life. The real world awaits for us outside and we're about to conquer it soon.

"Min, Yoora." The principal said and gave me my diploma on the stage with my parents beside me. We all bowed and the photographer took a photo of us.

It feel great walking with your parents on the stage while holding your own diploma that indicates your successful completion of the education they worked hard for. It really does pays off.

"Congratulations again, Hailey!" Megan and Tiffany said.

"Congratulations to the both of you two." I said.

We took several pictures with our batchmates, teachers and friends before my parents and I decided to home to celebrate since Megan is going to a hotel with her family to celebrate while Tiffany will celebrate in a restaurant with her parents.

"Let's celebrate your success, Yoora-yah!" Appa happily told me while we're walking towards the last row of seats in the auditorium.. which made me confused.

Why aren't we heading towards the exit door of the auditorium?

I was surprised when a man suddenly walked towards us covered with black clothes and a black cap. I immediately smelled his strong masculine scent and I can't be wrong! Yoongi oppa is here!

My brother is here!

"Congratulations, baby sis!" He said and hugged me.

He opened his arms and I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him.


"Thank you." I said.

"Aigoo.. my sister just finished her studies successfully and her oppa is very proud of her! You did it, Yoora!" He said and broke the hug to face me.

"You came, oppa." I said and smiled at him.

"Of course, why would I miss my only sister's graduation?" He said.

It made me smile. He really went all the way here in the US from Korea?

"Let's go now! They're all waiting for you." He said and grabbed my hand.

Wait.. they who? Can it be—OH MY GOSH.

"They?" I asked in confusion.

"You'll see." He said.

We went out of the auditorium and rode in Appa's car. He started driving and I don't know why but I feel nervous right now even though Yoongi oppa's beside me. I saw that we're heading to Eomma's restaurant since the way is familiar to me. I guess we're going to celebrate there.

I was right. We arrived in Eomma's restaurant and I was surprised to see that it's closed. We went in and climbed the stairs until we reached the door of the private room and I honestly don't know but I can hear my heart pounding.

"Are you ready?" Yoongi oppa asked me.

I slowly nodded my head and he opened the door.

On cue, confettis exploded and there are many golden balloons inside the room. There are different kinds of foods served on the long table and..

Our oldest brother, Junki oppa, his wife and their baby.. with BTS.. they are here.

And if I say BTS.. all of them are here, even their manager.

Jungkook is here too!

"Congratulations, Yoora-yah!" They all happily greeted me.

There, I felt tears strolling down from my eyes.

Tears of joy, indeed.

What more could I ever ask for if they are all complete here on my special day?

I'm Min Yoora, the younger sister of BTS' Suga, who just recently graduated College.

Thank you for being with me in my journey.

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