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"Do you like Joshua?" Yoongi oppa asked me.

It has been two days and I'm now discharged from the hospital. I was under observation since I need to gain more rest and my doctor examined my sprain leg. Good thing I recovered day by day and now, I can go home. I honestly can walk now, but I just need to be careful of my steps for me not to trigger any muscle.

"I honestly don't know, oppa." I said.

We're currently riding in Eomma's car since she arrived from Hong Kong a while ago and of course, BTS are with me. Eomma said we're heading to our restaurant to eat lunch since she wants to bond with us again.

"Why don't you know?" He asked.

"He's been liking me for a year and told me that he's willing to wait for me. He always give me gifts, invites me to dates and is really caring.. but I don't feel anything for him. I can only see him as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. That's why I kept on rejecting him ever since he confessed his feelings for me, yet he doesn't stop. He still keeps on doing everything as if he's my boyfriend. With that, it makes me confused on how I should treat him since he just wouldn't stop that I already feel bad for him." I truthfully said.

"He must have fallen too deep for you." He said.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" He added.

"What 'me' are you talking about? He'll talk to us too!" Jin said.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I can handle this on my own. I'll talk to him soon. I'm honestly planning about it already." I said and gave a reassuring smile to them.

"Okay, just let us know if you need our help, okay?" Yoongi oppa said.

"Sure, oppa. Of course." I said.

And with that, we arrived in the restaurant and as usual, we stayed in the private room and told the waiter our orders.. and usual, Eomma made the food for us. Leaving BTS and I inside the room.

Everyone seems busy. They're all on their phones. Maybe checking their social media accounts? Catching up on their lives in Korea? Maybe.

"Yoora-yah." Taehyung called my attention.

"Yes, Taehyung?" I asked.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

"Do you need a quiet place?" I asked.

"That would be better." He said.

"Follow me." I stood up and went towards the balcony of this room.

"Yoora, I need to tell you something, but I hope nothing will change between the two of us. I really can't hide it anymore." He started.

"Go on." I said.

"Yoora, I know that we both just met each other a few days ago, I know that you just recovered from your condition last two days ago and I know that you only see me as a friend of yours. But I just want to let you know about my feelings for you. I started to like you ever since the day we met each other, Yoora. I held my feelings back before since I don't want to disrespect Suga hyung since you're his younger sister and I've witnessed how much he loves you. But I just can't deny the fact that I really do have feelings for you and I admit that. I just wanted you to know, Yoora. It bothers me if I just continue denying it and I want to confess so that I would be able to breathe without hiding something from you." Taehyung said.

Oh gosh, he likes me?! Kim Taehyung of BTS likes me?

"Remember the date we had before? It has always made me smile. I miss your laughters, your smiles and your bubbly personality. I will always miss that. I invited you that day because I want to get to know you much better. I want to confirm my feelings for you and I want to treasure that moment in my life.. since I know that may be the last date we could have. Also, remember that time when we both talked in the balcony and I told you that I like someone who doesn't even like me back? It's actually you. I know I made you shocked, Yoora. But I hope you understand me. I just don't want to hide things anymore. Yes, I like you, but someone likes you even more than I do." He said.

Someone likes me more than he does?

"I'm willing to let you be happy with him since I know you both feel the same way with each other. Thank you for making me like you, Yoora. You're such an ideal woman any guy would dream for and I'm lucky to have met someone like you. I'm willing to let you and my feelings go since you deserve someone that you, yourself, love with all your heart. I want you to be happy, even though I'm not the reason of your happiness. Always remember that I'll always like you for who you are and what you will become. If that man ever hurts you or even made you cry, I will definitely not hesitate to take you away from him. That guy shouldn't even dare." He added.

I'm overwhelmed by his words. I never knew he's feelings this way towards me.

"Taehyung-ah.." I said and wrapped my arms around him.

Am I too focused on Jungkook that I never noticed his feelings for me?

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