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"Why aren't you dressed yet, Taehyungie?" I asked him after we ate breakfast.

"I thought we're going in the afternoon so I haven't gotten myself ready. I'm sorry, Yoora. Would you mind waiting for 10 minutes? I'll just change my clothes." Taehyung worriedly said.

"Sure, take your time. I'll just wait here downstairs." I said.

"Thanks, Yoora. Wait for me." He said and went to his room.

I sat on the couch beside Jimin and Jungkook.

"Tsk. He made a girl wait for him?" I heard Jungkook mutter under his breath.

I really don't know what his problem is.

"Are you okay, Jungkook?" I asked him.

"Huh? Y-yeah.. I am. Why?" He said, avoiding eye contact.

"You seem off and you're acting weird since a while ago. Are you sure you're okay?" I said while trying to catch his gaze, but failed.

"Yeah, don't worry about me. You should think about your date with V hyung rather than me. I hope you guys would have a nice day ahead." He said.

I sense something bitter in his words.

He sure isn't fine and I wonder why.

Yesterday we're both okay. We're actually having fun while being in each other's company especially when we were playing video games. But now what happened? As if everything that happened yesterday was a dream.

"I hope you and Jimin will have a nice day ahead too." I said.

I looked at him in disbelief.

I can't understand Jungkook.

"Yoora-yah! I'm here!" Taehyung, who's wearing a white mask and red beanie to cover himself, said while going down the stairs.

"Hey Taehyungie! Let's go?" I said.

"Let's go!" He happily said and we both went out of the house.

"Remember when I went to the art museum with Jimin hyung the other day? It's the last day of viewing today and I want to take you there.. if that's okay with you." He said while we're walking.

"Sure, of course!" I said which made him smile.

His smile is really precious.. like Jungkook's.

Why am I thinking about Jungkook right now when I'm with Taehyung?

We hailed a cab and arrived in the art museum in less than 15 minutes. He payed for the fee and we both went inside where we saw few people admiring each artwork that are amazingly done by painters.

"Woah.. everything's amazing. I wonder how they do it this nice." I said.

"I know right. They are all blessed with artsy hands." Taehyung said.

"Honestly, I have no talent in art." I said and chuckled.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I don't know how to draw. Honestly, a stick figure drawing is the best that I can do. Other than that, I have no idea. I'm not blessed to be one of the artsy people, I think I'm just blessed to admire those who can do art." I said.

"You say you don't have any talent in art? But you're an art to me. For me, you're the most beautiful masterpiece I've ever seen." He said while looking directly in my eyes, resulting me to shiver due to his deep voice.

"W-what?" I said while looking at him.

"Nah. Don't mind it. It's just some random line I read while scrolling on the internet. Come, I'll show you something which made Jimin hyung amazed." He said and walked away.

I followed him.. still confused.

Did he really read something like that?

Does he mean it?

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