02-"The Sons of Shadow"

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The dining hall of the palace is a spectacle of luxury, with its sparkling gilding and richly woven tapestries

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The dining hall of the palace is a spectacle of luxury, with its sparkling gilding and richly woven tapestries. Yet, despite the grandeur of the place, a heavy atmosphere prevails. I stand there, among the courtiers who seem to bow in a hypocritical ballet around me. By my side, a familiar presence, the one who has always been there to answer my every desire, silently awaits my orders.

Since time immemorial, I have wandered through the ethers of existence, answering to the name of Dante Rudolph Caesar, moving from one title to another, from duke's son, emperor's son to monarch, and now, crown prince of this kingdom named Dante, which came into being before my eyes. The world evolves, yes, but sometimes it also seems to regress, plunging into the depths of obscurantism and corruption.

I often wonder what the true purpose of the gods is. Did they really create us out of love? It's a cruel joke, for love seems to be an illusion in this world of power and betrayal. Why do I only have the simple desire to live a quiet life, to grow old and die with the person I might have loved, if love truly existed?

But it is just my own desilusion, I had to be a vampire, condemned to wander in the shadows of immortality, to observe the fleeting passage of mortals.

I frown as I observe my father's entrance into the hall, accompanied by his wife who has taken on the role of my real mother, and his two sons. Why was my mother transformed into a half-vampire, condemned by this human duality to a tragic end? This question remains unanswered, just like so many other mysteries that dot my life. I gracefully rise from my seat and greet them with a slight nod.

— Your grace, brothers. I articulate, trying to hide my contempt under a mask of politeness.

The ironic smile on my stepmother's face and the condescending looks from her two sons only reinforce the disgust I feel towards them. My father, a sadistic man more hypocritical than all, raised me to the rank of crown prince simply because I remind him with every look of the face of my mother, the woman he was infatuated with in his youth. Love again, that joke.

I came into the world as a vampire, a truth known to my stepmother who exploited this reality by feeding on my blood to ensure immortality for her own lineage, born human despite my father's genes. This selfish quest took place in the shadows, while she thinks I am unaware of her manipulations.

What they all don't know is that I hold absolute power over their existence. My blood flows in their veins, intertwining their lives with mine. With a simple command, I could annihilate them, or force them to follow my every will. My father, this vampire with a cold demeanor who prefers to choose human women over time to enjoy their blood know it well too but keeps silence maybe because i no longer kill for pleasure as I did in the past, though it does not make me a repentant being.

My gaze meets that of my stepmother, and in her eyes, I perceive the arrogant certainty of one who thinks they hold control. She knows that if I marry a woman and have a child, her sons will never be crowned crown prince. With the power of immortality she has acquired, she hunts down any women who approach me. Should I thank her for that? Really, she does a good job.

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