15- "Between Memories and Hopes: The Enigma of Intertwined Destinies"

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The fluid lines and exquisite materials reveal engineering of rare sophistication, while the bright screen captures every reflection, unveiling a universe of possibilities in such a tiny space

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The fluid lines and exquisite materials reveal engineering of rare sophistication, while the bright screen captures every reflection, unveiling a universe of possibilities in such a tiny space. This modern technological object, whose grace and pure elegance were offered by my master during my visit to the past, seems to want to soothe the palpable sorrow that grips me.

However, despite the beauty of this phone, my mind is preoccupied with darker thoughts. For the past few days, a deep distress overwhelms me when I think of Her Grace drinking my blood. It is not simply the act itself that troubles me, but what it represents. I perceive in it a desperate attempt to fill a void left by a previous experience, perhaps a quest for repair. Each time she drinks my blood, it is as if she is trying to relive a moment or sensation that escaped her in the past. This makes me reflect on her deep motivations and what she truly hopes to find in this exchange. Does she see me, or a shadow of the past that she is trying to resurrect?

This idea wounds me deeply, for I realize that her desires now seem to be limited to this single action, drinking my blood, and nothing more. Our relationship, once rich and full of twists, is reduced to this unique and repetitive act. Have I strayed somewhere to deserve this situation? Have I failed to meet her expectations in any other way than through this intimate sacrifice? Each drop of blood she takes seems to carry away a little more of my hope and her affection, leaving me increasingly empty. I am haunted by the idea that she sees me only as a substitute, a means to fill a void, rather than a true partner. This thought overwhelms me, for I want to be more than that for her, am I not her slave after all? But why do I feel that she no longer wants me? I fear that her needs are now anchored in a past that I will never be able to replace.

As I sink into my tormented thoughts, Caesar, this attentive companion, interrupts me with his deep and caring voice.

— What are you thinking so intensely about, Nuea?

I slightly shake my head to dispel my obsessive thoughts before answering in a lighter tone.

— Ah, Caesar, it's nothing particular. I was simply absorbed in my thoughts. You were saying?

— You told me you were the vice-captain of the kingdom's army, but you don't even know the princes' names, apart from their family name, Dante.

— That's right. Even the captain of the royal army, who constantly reports to the crown prince, has never seen his face or the faces of the other two princes.

— It's really complicated. I wonder how they manage to keep all this a secret.

— It's said that among them, there is a sorcerer who constantly changes their appearances. You will have to be very careful with what you say if you go to the capital. They could be beside you, talking to you, without you recognizing them.

— Thank you, Nuea, I will take your advice to heart.

— You're welcome, my friend. I think it's time to end our training for today. It's getting late, and I'm starting to get tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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