Dumon(Durbe) v.s. Dextra(Droite)

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Dextra Turn 1: Dextra Normal Summons Swallowtail Butterspy (1800/1200) in attack mode and sets a card.

Dumon Turn 2: Dumon Normal Summons Star Seraph Sword (1400/1000) in attack mode. He activates Sword's effect, to discard the Star Seraph Sage in his to add it's attack to Sword's until the End Phase (1400 -> 3000). Sword attacks Butterspy, but Dextra activates her face-down Butterflyoke, switching Sword to defensive mode and equipping Butterflyoke to it. Dumon sets a card.

Dextra Turn 3: Dextra Normal Summons Moonlit Papillon (1200/1600) in attack mode. Dextra then overlays Swallowtail Butterspy and Moonlit Papillon in order to Xyz Summon Photon Papilloperative (2100/1800) in attack mode. She activates the effect of Photon Papilloperative, detaching an Overlay Unit in order to switch Sword to attack mode and decrease its attack by 600 (1400 -> 800). Photon Papilloperative destroys Sword (Dumon LP: 4000 -> 2700). Dextra then activates Elimigate and Butterfly Charm. Due to the effect of Butterfly Charm, Dumon must attack whenever able. If any face-up monsters he controls do not attack, they are destroyed during his End Phase. Due to the effect of Elimigate, if a non Assassin monster attacks, the attack is negated and the attacking monster is destroyed.

Dumon Turn 4: Dumon activates Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One, letting him Special Summon an Over-Hundred Number monster from his Extra Deck or GY, ignoring its Summoning conditions. He Special Summons Number 102: Star Seraph Sentry (2500/2000). The Seventh One then Ranks it up, Special Summoning Chaos Number 102: Archfiend Seraph (2900/2400) in attack mode. Dumon activates his face-down Xyz Effect, (since he Xyz) to destroy Elimigate. He then activates Archfiend Seraph's effect, detaching a Chaos Overlay Unit to negate Photon Papilloperative's effects and reducing its attack to 0 (2100 -> 0). Dumon activates his Rush Recklessly, to increase Archfiend Seraph's attack by 700, until the End Phase (2900 -> 3600). Archfiend Seraph destroys Photon Papilloperative (Dextra LP: 4000 -> 400). As a monster was destroyed while Dumon controls a Star Seraph monster, he activates Star Seraph Starscream, inflicting 1000 damage to Dextra (Dextra LP: 400 -> 0). 

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