3 step-brother

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'If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew'- Pocahontas

'If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew'- Pocahontas

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Riley's POV

"And this is my son Jonah"  She said.

"Hey" Jonah mumbled.

"Dad can I have a second?" I said dragging him away.

"Are you serious? Fiancé?" I screamed quietly. If you can even do that.

"No need to get hot tempered Riley" Dad said.

"I'm not getting hot tempered" I said then breathing in and out. "So this means that you and mum are never getting back together at all" I said facing my face to the floor.

"No I'm sorry Riley" Dad said reassuring me.

"I want to go home" I cried.

"Just give them a chance please" Dad said.

I didn't want to let him down, he was my dad after all. I would try to get along with Jonah and Nadine, well try. They was living in our house now so I had to see their faces everyday for 4 weeks.

"Fine but wheres my room" I asked. I knew that sounded ungrateful but I needed somewhere at least to sleep and enclose myself there.

"Now that's what I need to show you" dad said giving me the eye he always does when he's got a surprise.

We walked upstairs and went into the room next to Jonah's. "But Dad this was your room" I said.

"Not anymore" He said opening the door to my new room unreeling how beautiful it was.

"Omg it's beautiful dad thank you" I said hugging him.

"Well it's a very late birthday present" he laughed.

"An amazing late birthday present" I gasped.

"All your clothes are in bags, I didn't want to touch them so sort them out" He laughed.

I started to unpack my clothes I brought and my old clothes that I left here. Some of them where ones I didn't even know that I still had. Then I heard a knock at my door. I yelled "come in" and it was Jonah.

"Dad said dinners ready soon" he said.

"Dad? He's my dad not yours" I shouted not thinking that it was so shallow of me.

"Well what a first great impression of my new step sister, a brat" he yelled walking out.

Jonah's POV

I couldn't believe it. Henry were so kind and welcoming and his daughter is the total opposite of that.

New Message From The Boys 👊🏻 chat.

Corbyn: summer has come whoop 😂

Jack: state boarding time ?

Zach: stateboarding time boys 😂

Jonah: my new step sister is such a brat 🙄

Daniel: guessing the first meeting didn't go well 😂

Jonah: she totally freaked out about her dad is marrying my mum. And freaked out that I called her dad my dad 😂

Jack: look like she didn't even get told bro 😂

Zach: you guys coming to the state park 👊🏻

Corbyn: yassss

Jonah: guys I'm having dinner, just wait outside for me ☺️

Daniel: ye of course bro

Riley's POV

That was the most awkward dinner I've had in my life.

Messages to Taylor 😘

Riley: girl I need to get out of this house 🙄

Taylor: oh what's happened 😱

Riley: just meet me at the usual spot in 5 minutes ❤️

Taylor: see you there ❤️

Taylor was my best friend, we did everything together, and when we needed each other the absolute most, we went to our favourite spot.

"Dad can I go out"I said standing up.

"Where" he said.

"With Taylor" I said.

"Yeah just be back before 8" he laughed.

I got up and dashed to the door, opening it as quickly as I could, while opening the door 4 guys are at the door, scaring the living days out of me. They must of been Jonah's friends but I don't care about that.
But one guy caught my attention, he was so cute.......

Happy Friday!! Yay the weekend.

Anyway you guys need to vote on who she saw so cute out of the other 4 boys

Corbyn (Chev chev) 😂




You guys get 1 vote and comment the name you want Riley to have a crush on. Votes will end next Friday 27th April.

Jonah won the stepbrother vote and I'm happy 😊 thanks for voting on that guys.

Ps. Until next Friday

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