16 first dates

283 9 10

'You don't lose hope, love, if you do, you lose everything'- Beauty and the Beast

'You don't lose hope, love, if you do, you lose everything'- Beauty and the Beast

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Riley's POV

I was deciding who I should go out on a date with, Daniel was lovely and did take care of me but I still had a crush on Corbyn, and this date could potentially lead to something more, but now I had to let Daniel down.

Messages from Daniel 🙈

Daniel: would you like to go somewhere to eat tomorrow night just me and you? 😍

Riley: sorry Daniel I can't 😓

Daniel: don't worry it's ok ☺️

Riley: maybe another time yeah?

Daniel: of course ☺️

New Message From Corbyn 😍

Corbyn: he doesn't need to know 😂

Corbyn: so what do you say?

Riley: of course I'll go with you ☺️

Corbyn: I'll pick you up at 6 tomorrow night ❤️

Riley: see you then 😘

Daniel's POV

The next day.....

Since Riley was busy, I couldn't take her out.

New Message from Jonah 👌🏻

Jonah: Danny boi

Daniel: hoenah 😂

Jonah: come to cinema with me  ☺️

Daniel: yeah might aswell  😂

Jonah: nice the movie starts at 6:30 😁

Daniel: ok we'll set off at 6 ?

Riley's POV

It was getting close to 6pm, getting close to my date with Corbyn. Why was I getting so nervous? Then the doorbell rang, Corbyn was at the door.

"You look beautiful" He said as he opening the door.

"Only just answering the door and I'm getting compliments" I said blushing.

His hand reaches mine and we walk to the car together.

Soon we was at the cinemas, we went  into our screen room with our popcorn to share, Corbyn picks a seat and I sit next to him, he grabs my hand again.

Then I see a figure of two boys in the corner of my eye walking down.

"Hey we should sit on the end" one said from a slight distance.

I turn around to look back at Corbyn. "Excuse me" they said, turning around to look at them to see it was Daniel and Jonah.

"Riley, what are you doing here?" Daniel said.

"Oh hey guys she's with me" Corbyn explained.

"Why's Corbyn here?" Daniel stuttered.

"Taking Riley on a date obviously" Corbyn continued.

"I think Riley can speak for herself" Jonah laughed.

"You blew me off to come here with him" Daniel shouted.

"Daniel I" I stuttered.

"Riley I was there for you when he didn't even want you when he was sleeping in your bed with another girl" Daniel shouted.

"Daniel it didn't even happen like that" Corbyn shouted.

"I'm sorry Daniel" I cried.

"Well I guess I know how you truly feel about me" Daniel said walking off, nudging Jonah to walk off too.

"He's just jealous" Corbyn said as I were crying into his arms.

Corbyn's POV

While I was watching the movie with Riley, my phone lit up, I know you should turn your phones off but I must of forgot. I had a new message so I sneakily press on it to read it.

New Message from Katie ❤️

Katie: hey corbs the other night was so much fun 😘

Katie: maybe you could come to mine tonight?

Corbyn's Typing......

You know what that means ☺️ THE WEEKEND but not just that VOTING TIME 😁

This week you guys are deciding whether

Corbyn meets Katie after the date with Riley
BUT Katie posts a photo of them which makes her jealous, and maybe crawls back to Daniel


Corbyn denies Katie and takes Riley home BUT  Ryan had broke into the house to see Riley again as he sees a photo with her and Corbyn but things don't go well (basically he goes crazy)

Votes will end on the Friday 27th July 2018, and after that vote will not be counted.

Anyway get voting and hope you enjoyed the chapter 😄

Ps. Until Next Friday

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