2. A New Friend...?

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Caroline P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and saw trees, trees everywhere. I attempted to get up, being forced back down. I looked down and saw my arms and legs were firmly tied to a chair.

Caroline: Crystal? Crystal! Where are you!?

Crystal: Huh? OMFG What the hell is going on?? Why the fuck are we tied up????

Caroline: How the fuck am i suppose to know? All i remember was... I remember... that guy. Yeah that guy from the corner store yesterday! uhm... after you went to get the money he grabbed you and punched you unconscious. He then came after me and after that everything was a blur..

Our chairs were back to back, and we attempted untieing the rope but failed horribly.

Caroline: HELP!!!! HELP!!!! SOMEONE HELP US!!!!

Crystal: That's not gonna work! We must be somewhere far from fucking civilization. All i hear are your Eco no one is gonna hear us.

Then all of a sudden, from a distance i saw a figure of someone coming closer, and closer. Once the man reached us. We sighed in relief, finally someone was going to rescue us!

Crystal: OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! Please untie us and get us away from here!

????: You know, you should really stop screaming. No one is gonna here you. Now i'm gonna ask you questions, and your gonna answer me. Now.

I took a closer look at his face, and instantly recognized him.

Caroline: Crys, Its the guy from yesterday!

????: Your smart. Now who sent you? Was it Dequan? Tell that motherfucker that I don't have his money. You know what? It's time i see who you really are.

With that, he pulled off both of our masks, and his eyes widened in surprise. He then threw our masks on the ground and stepped back to take a good look at the both of us. He licked his lips, and combed his hair with his fingers.

Crystal: Oh my gosh, i can finally BREATH!!!! *GASPS FOR AIR* 

????: Are you one of Dequan's prostitutes or something?

Caroline: 1st of all, who the fuck is this Dequan Nigga!?!? 2nd of all, PROSTITUTES!?!?!?!?! If anything we'd be fuckin pimps.

Crystal: Can you just un-tie us now???

????: Then who are you two, and why were you at the corner store yesterday??

Caroline: Is it a crime to be at a corner store???

????: Well when you have a fuckin gun pointed at someone, YEAH

Crystal: Everyone's gotta make their money some how. You "work" your way, and we'll work ours. *rolls eyes*

We told him our plan to rob the store and he stood their trying to soak it in.

????: So your NOT working for Dequan?

Caroline&Crystal: WHO THE FUCK IS DEQUAN?!??!?!

????: Fine, fine.

The guy un-tied us and we got up stretching. Letting the blood flow through our wrists.

Crystal: Give us our bags!

????: Whats the magic word??

Caroline: NIGGA NOW!!!

Jacob: Fine, only because you two are HOT as fuck.

Crystal: Pardon?

Crystal began flipping her hair and fluttering her eye lashes. She was in full flirt mode. I rolled my eyes and reminded her that we needed to leave. 

Caroline: Ugh, What time is it?

????: 6:23.

Caroline: AM!?!?!?!

????: noooooo, FM. Yeah AM. Or do you not see the sun?

Caroline: SHIT!

Crystal: What?

Caroline: Well dipshit, did you forget that we need to get back to the or..... uhm... to the house OR we'll get into trouble by our mom and dad.

Crystal looked confused. I gave her my EYEBALL- STARE and she realized to just play along with my lie.

Crystal: Ugh yeah, we gotta, go... home... to our uh, parents yeah! Well bye!

????: Well no offense, but you girls look a mess. Maybe you should come over to my house and you could you know, get cleaned up? Eat something. You know so your parents arn't too worried.

Caroline: Sorry but we were told not to talk to strangers so us going to your house would really be out of line, and wern't you the one who punched us unconsious??? For all you know WE could be crazy killers!!

????: I'll take my chances *winks*

Crystal: Come on Carol. Don't you think it would be better if we went home all ti-deed up?

Caroline: FINE. But if you pull anything, don't forget i have my gun right in my bag. FULLY LOADED.

????: Don't worry babe.

I rolled my eyes, and we started walking. I noticed Crystal was walking strangely close to him.

????: By the way, the name's Jacob.

Caroline: Yeah that might have been good information to give us before you invited us to your house.

Crystal: I'm Crystal, and this is my sister Caroline

I took a good look at him and noticed Jacob's puffy-curly fro. He was HOOTT, He wore black vans, army shorts, a black "DIAMOND SWAG" jersey, and a diamond earing on both ears. DID I MENTION HE WAS HOTT!?!!?!?! Once we were out of the forest we reached the road where a black porche was parked.

Crystal: DAAAAAMMMMN, This is a sick ass ride!

We got into the porche and he sat there without saying a word.

Jacob: Oh, uhm did i forget to mention? I live with 3 other guys.

Caroline: You know... we'll just walk home. Come on Crys.

I grabbed the handle and the door stayed locked.

Caroline: Mind unlocking the door??

He stayed silent.

Caroline: What the FUCK JACOB?? OPEN THE DOOR NOW.

After i said that he put the car on drive, and off we went.



I don't know why these chapters are soooo short. I feel like a wrote a lot LOL

I'm going to attempt to write, and upload daily. 

Soooooo tell everyone and ANYONE.




Peace&Love (:

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