chapter seven

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getting in my dorm room, i get ready for bed. getting inside my bed, i go straight to sleep.

unsurprisingly, when i look in my surroundings, i am in my room, in the caves where i lived with all the strigoi. every night, i have the same nightmare. i hate it. it all started when i was eighty years of age. a strigoi would come to my room at night, and would always drink my blood. and what you might expect is it to be addictive and pleasurable. however, it has the opposite affect. with us both being strigoi, my blood and his saliva reacts and cancel each other out, leading it to be as excrutiating as if i were to get staked in the heart. though our blood to them, is just as good as moroi blood, and with me being half moroi, many like the taste of my blood. once they release their endorphans, it is like putting acid in my system. so, the one's who are often the target, which are mostly women, we get a scar. i got a scar on my neck, from the bite. plus, we usually get more than one visiter during the night. our saliva, also has the same effect to strigoi as strigoi to us. i have even bit one, that tried to do innapropriate things to me. as well as bite, they also do other things forcefully. what is worse, is when we are a sleep, but we also wake up to find them doing those suggestive things, which is just as horrible. 

that is how i lost my innocence all those years ago. it is the worst pain, anyone can possibly go through. also, the one's it happens to, usually are called blood whores. we are the lowest anyone could be. it literally affects their lives. it happened to me, but not as bad as others. my father sells me for the night, so no one can stop it. he gets paid for someone to bite and do unforgiving things to me. and it comes at a high price as i am all the more valuable. that is another reason why i had to escape. i always escaped, but then they would find me again, then he gets the worst strigoi to 'punish' me as they see fit. our lives are the worst. we are also breeders. when we give birth, they get taken away from us, where their fathers will raise them. and their strigoi partners. they also support it. well, they don't give a damn. Cause at least this u have an immortal child.

and the worse thing is that we watch them grow up, hating us and calling us horrible names. we get called sluts, blood whores and we are never respected. at all. we are at the bottom of the status of strigoi society. nobody takes my name seriously. even all the Ozera's who were either turned or turned themselves, never acknowledged me. no wonder my life is messed up.

anyways. i see a dark figure approach me. oh no. it is gerald. he is the worst. i close my eyes, in the hopes that he will go away. yeah, i hope he does. but as luck has it, i feel a cold hand on my leg, slowly coming up from my leg, to my waist, to my arm, and reaching my face. 

''i know you are awake.'' he said.

i do nothing, but keep my eyes closed. hoping that he will go away. but no. i open my eyes, startled, to see him straddling my hips.

''there we go. that's better now, isn't it.'' he said sarcastically.

before i could reply, i feel him crash his hard lips on mine. trying to push him away, i realise that i am tied to my bed with chains. i hear him laugh in the kiss.

'' i know you are eager to escape me, but you are not going anywhere. i paid a lot for tonight with you. i am thirsty. and no mortals satisfy me like you do, love. and i do not trust you since the last time you escaped.'' he said coldly, while running his hands to my waist, putting his hands in my top. 

''get off me'' i say in a weak whisper. silver makes me weaker. it actually makes all strigoi weaker.

''no can do, love. i paid for tonight, and i am going to get my full nights worth of money i paid.''

before i could do anything, he sank his teeth in my neck, opening my scar. i screamed loudly in response, as it is excrutiating. i scream louder than usual, more like a screech.

waking up, i sit up abruptly. it was just a dream. it was just a dream. i kept repeating those words in my head. heading to my bathroom, i look in the mirror. my face is streaked with tears, eyes bloodshot, beads of sweat was trickling down my forehead. even though it was a dream, it always feels like it is real. this always haunts me every night, and i hate it. i hate being and feeling weak. especially when i am the most strong and powerful creature ever created,even worse than strigoi. 

 i am brought out of my thoughts, when someone clears their throat. startled, i look to see Alec.

''did you have another nightmare. i heard you scream.'' he asked, concern written all over his face. other than me, Alec is also a victim of this. women always visited him at night, though no one knows apart from me. it is safer that way. he is the only one who understands the feeling in our group of friends. though his mark isn't on his neck, it is at places that doesn't show when wearing clothes. it could be any man, but nobody knows, as they cannot admit it. like most men and their pride. however, multiple women visited him, all at the same time. Sometimes men as well, and has affected him as well as me.

''yes. Gerald again.'' i replied.

before he could answer, there was a knock at the door. Alec went to answer it. i heard hushed mumbles as the voices grew louder. then Adrian Wolf entered the bathroom.

''are you alright. i heard screaming coming from down below while on duty, and thought someone was killing some student'' he said.

''i am fine. just a nightmare, that is all. and like i said before, we don't want you to be afraid of us. we mean no harm, it is all we know to be like this. we cannot help it. ''

''okay.'' he responded, walking back out.

''i am gonna go now, okay.'' said Alec.

''okay.'' i responded.

as soon as he left, i took a shower, getting ready for another day at school. i don't think i can sleep again tonight, and plus, it is soon gonna be the moroi day, the beginning of night for the humans.

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