chapter thirteen

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Unsurprisingly, the next day the gossip of what happened yesterday,was going around the school like wildfire. the news about 'the strigoi attack of warren tarus' had reached all over the academy. some are questioning whether, it was just because he was out the gates, as no one would be stupid enough to actually do it at the dead of night, or if we half strigoi did it. but with the help of the cameras, and the help of our compulsion, when we were questioned, the accusations were cleared. his parents came earlier today, to pick up his things, while his friends and family are mourning his death. 

though, what i didn't expect, was his girlfriend, who was usually quiet in class, coming up to me.

'' I know it was you.'' she said, with venom in her voice, a glare fixed on her face. she pointed an accusitory finger up in my direction.''you killed him, because you are a monster. he is dead because of YOU'' 

by now, there was a crowd around us, watching the fight. 

'' look mortal, i don't have any idea with which you are falsely accusing me on. i didn't touch him, and wouldn't even touch him with a 6 foot barge pole. plus, don't blame me, just because i am half strigoi. this is your anger and sadness talking. you just want to put the blame on someone. and it just so happens to be me. i did nothing. it was even on the cameras. and the guardians can atest to that. so don't you DARE blame me, when you have no idea what actually happened little girl. and i will tell you one time, and one time only. if you EVER, put one of your mortal fingers on me again, i will grab that finger of yours, i shove it where the sun don't shine.'' i said, as my anger flared up. then i walked away.

''hey, bitch. i wasn't done with you!'' she shouted.

i turned back round to face face her. she gasped as she wasn't expecting this. 

''well mortal, i was finished with you. plus, do you even wanna try fighting me. because i can promise that it won't end well.'' i said, smirking, while showing my fangs. '' and you won't stand a chance against me. you will be dead in seconds.'' i instantly crossed the gap between us, which caused her to gasp, only concentrating on her. '' and your blood. it smells delicious at the moment. your heart is literally beating wildly. are you scared. don't be. i won't hurt you...much. not unless you provoke me. and trust me, no one wants that. i am completely unstoppable, and unpredictable, if that happens. you think strigoi are bad. I AM WORSE! and i have spirit. oh, i am rambling again. you know, spirit makes me crazy, you know. when the darkness controls me. then...then, i am at my worst. i will crush you to pieces, without feeling ANY remorse. and i will be laughing.'' she gulped.'' oh, don't be scared now. i have only just begun. you won't be able to go cry to any guardians, or to mummy, not for th-''

''Burney, don't torment the poor girl. she is already grieving. ''

''oh, but i want to'' i whined, turning to face Cameron, who had just shown up. '' i like to see fear. i like to hear there racing heart beat. ooooh, i can literally smell the fear that is radiating off of everyone. and shock. oooh, i forgot, you don't know how it affects me. well, everyone, i am crazy'' i said, while laughing hysterically, '' this is me. the crazy, deluded, half strigoi. who is both dangerous, and unpredictable.'' i let out a dramatic bow. i looked to see no one doing anything, so i pout,'' isn't anyone gonna clap, i mean, i know this is weird, but this is who, i Burnadette Ozera, is.'' i looked to the crowd, who is all glancing at each other, with weird scowls on their faces.''oh don't frown, or your faces will perminantly be like that. you don't want to look like a srivalled up old granny do you.'' they facial expressions, were priceless. then i started laughing. while holding my stomach.''you should've seen your faces.'' i said, while pointing at them. '' ow. my stomach hurts for laughing too much. this is hilarious. i have never felt this hyper in years. you know it was just like when i wiped out the dhampir town, after i finished draining every last child. when i bathed in their blood.'' their faces held shock, while they eyes bulged out of their eye sockets. they all visibly gulped. '' well, it was fun while it lasted anyway.''

''That is it.  Burnadette Zoe Ozera. we are leaving'' exclaimed Cameron, gripping my arm, while dragging me out of the building.'' you are behaving too bad. control yourself, and control the darkness.''

'' oh, but i was having fun.'' i whined loudly like a child.

''yeah, well you can have fun, once you have calmed down and when we are away from everybody. you are showing yourself up, which isn't good.''

''yeah.'' i said, acting like a child. i waved at the people around us, while having a huge goofy smile on my face. ''wells, byes guys. toodle loodles. have a good night rest. and remember, night night, sleep tight, and don't let the the bed bugs bite.'' 

walking to my dorm room, Cameron set me down on my bed. 

''now, calm down, Burney. take back control.''

'' i know, Cam. and thanks, i was losing it there.''

''what happened anyways. because one minute, you were walking here, the next, you were talking insanely to that girl and everyone else.'' he asked concerned.

''well, Warren's girlfriend just came up to me, and accused me of murdering him. i obviously did, but how would she know. then i denied it and started to walk out, when she called me a bitch. i then confronted her, then the darkness took over from there. i started to ramble, then, i started to say random stuff. just to scare her.''

''well, it was more than scare, you petrified the shit out of her. and everyone else, in there. plus, you actually sounded like a crazy serial killer, there. even looked like it.'' he laughed at that.

'' yeah. i love to scare the shit out of mortals. it is ridiculously funny.'' i yawned, and stretched.''now, i feel nakard. i want to go to bed for the first time in a long time. so if you don't mind, would you be able to leave, so i can take rest. i have a feeling that tomorrow is gonna be a long day. i mean,pretty much everyone here, just saw my crazyily abnormal behaviour.''

'' sure. no problem. night Burney.''

''night, Cam.''

he left, and instantly, i fell asleep.

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