chapter fourteen

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The next day actually was just as i thought. as i walked through the corridors of the academy, everyone who saw my episode, stared at me wide-eyed, like i had suddenly grown two heads. all day, this went on for. and to be honest, it was starting to piss me off. especially in moroi history.

when i walked in, everyone stopped and stared. The teacher wasn't in either. all conversations had stopped. i slowly made my way to my seat, where only Alec was sat, as both Cameron, and Alexi had to finish work from their previous class. they were still staring, so i swiftly stood up, grabbing my pen, snapping it.

''what the hell are you looking at.'' i shouted. everyone jumped, and turned around. my shoulders had tensed, as my jaw and hands tightened. my breathing was loud, as i breathed heavily through my nose. another student, looked behind their shoulders. and as soon as he spotted me glare at him, with the position of me wanting to kill, he stared wide-eyed.

''what'' i shouted,'' have i grown two heads or something. would you like a picture. it lasts longer.'' by now, i was at the guys face. i looked up, to see that i have got the attention of all the class, who all look beyond scared at this point. ''huh, didn't anyone teach you that it was rude to stare. so what that i am crazy. and that you saw 'one of my episodes'. it doesn't mean that you can stare. ''

''Burnadette, control yourself. please, fight this. don't let spirit take control.'' said Alec, staring me in the eyes, using a bit of compulsion. i hadn't even noticed that he had come up to me until now.

''okay. i am fine. i am perfect. i have control.'' i look at the students, smiling sweetly at them. ''and i am sorry, for acting this way. you heard of spirit, well it controlled me today, and yesterday. causing me to do crazy things. but i don't like people staring or disrespecting me, or i flip. it makes me angry, in fact.''

i walk back, to my desk, but not before i heard some girl murmur,

''god. bipolar much.''

i stopped, and grabbed that girl by the collar. which caused her to gasp. 

''whatever you have got to say, you say it to my face, NOT behind my back. you stuck up brat. because, i will tell you one thing, mortal, and that is you won't stand a chance against me. i have major anger issues, okay. worse than any other person. i am dangerous, and unpredictable. so, are you sure that you want to go there?'' i asked, to which she frantically shook her head. shock was undeniably on her face. and fear.''good. you don't want me to hurt you..much. because, you are as soft as a fly.''

i let her go, which lead her to fall on the floor.

i looked to the other students, whose eyes were as big as saucers.

''and for everyone else here'' i point to the girl, as she scrambles on to her feet, to scurry back to her seat.'' take this as a warning. if you don't want to experience my wrath, then i suggest that you don't piss me off, call me names, especially behind my back, or test my very thin patience, and you won't''

everyone nodded their heads.

i smiled.'' good.'' i walked back over to alec, to see that he has a shocked face.

then the teacher came in.

she saw how all the students looked tense and stiff, whilst i look like a crazy person, while goofily smiling.

''is everything okay?''she asked.

''yes miss, everything is perfect.'' i stated, ''right students?''

everybody nodded their heads. 

the teacher, just shook her head dismissively,as she began the lesson.

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