chapter twelve

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I am in a state of sleepiness right now, where it feels like i am in a floaty place. i feel like i am in a peaceful place. it feels amazing. the warmthness on my skin. it's nice and refreshing. i feel like i am in a state that is half aware of my surroundings, and half dazed, and unaware. i smell a sweet odour, that makes my mouth water. it sends my senses on overdrive, and seems to be making me more awa-

my train of thought is interupted, when i taste something slide down my throat. mhmmm, i thought. this is delicious. wait, is it blood. i open my eyes, to instantly see Cameron with his wrist at my mouth. his blood. then, i gripped his arm tightly, and i sank my teeth into his wrist, puncturing my fangs into his vein. i took huge gulps at a time, desperate for energy. Cameron tried to remove his wrist from my mouth, but i held a tight grip. he let out a yelp, as i held it in place.

''stop Burney. that's enough. i am losing too much blood.'' said Cameron.

then, someone pulled me away from him, pushing me to the bed.

i bared my fangs, as i growled at whoever,pulled me away.

''Calm down.''replied a deep german voice. i looked up to see Ade holding me down. ''you need to calm down. take back control. don't let spirit consume you.''

even though he wasn't a spirit user, he had a lot of control and confidence, to be able to do it. his demeanor was calm and believable.

''okay. you can let go now, i won't do anything. promise.'' he slowly, and cautiously let go, and walked back. ''and Cam, sorry, and thanks for the blood. What the hell happened?''

''it is okay. at least sharing our blood, doesn't make you hyper like mortal blood does.'' he replied.

''what do you mean?'' asked Mel, seemingly fascinated by this.

''our blood. it has properties of healing one another's mind, somewhat. usually, after using this much power, i need blood, and with mortal blood, making me act crazy. well,having his or any half strigoi's blood, it quenches my thirst for blood, and doesn't make me as rabid or hyper as if were to drink, let's say, your blood.''

Mel nodded.

''talking about powers.'' replied Ade ''we need to talk about what happened back there. i mean, you killed a student, that is from a royal family.''

oh yeah, i remember. i beat warren Tarus to death. oh, how good it felt.

''what happened?'' i asked.

''after Cameron put you to sleep.'' answered Mel, '' we convinced the guardians, headmistress kirova, and students, that it was a strigoi who killed him. he walked out the gates, and a strigoi attacked. it was purely his fault.''

''ironic. i am assuming convince as in using compulsion, to make people think that he went out of the gates.'' she nodded. '' i see. but, what do you mean by we?'' i asked.

''well, Cameron here'' she gestured to Cam '' wanted to compel me. and he almost succeeded. however, as soon as i saw them compel the people surrounding us, and they just walked off, i figured it out. then i reasoned with then not to compel me. said that i understood. and i do. spirit, controlled your actions. sure you needed a spark, which was warren. he provoked you. actually, in a way, it was his fault. i helped spread the word about the 'attack'. plus, i felt spirit from miles away. i mean, it was so strong, that it could of blown me away. and when i say it was strong, i mean, it was strong. and i am presuming the other spirit users felt it as well.''

''okay. and i suppose, that you helped as well.'' i said, facing Ade.

'' well, i wouldn't let them compel me. and plus, even though i will probably be branded as conspirator to murder and an acomplise, especially when i found out about using compulsion, i didn't want to be compelled. and i can keep a secret for you.'' he responded.

''well, thank you. and don't worry little boy, i won't tell the authorities, or i am 95.9 percent sure, that we will not get into trouble for it.'' 

he laughed, loudly, while his dimple appeared from his face.

''and what is the other 4.1 percent?'' he asked, an irresitable smile on his face.

''well, you decide. we can either get into trouble for it, though it is a very small chance of happening, or we can run away as a couple of royal murdering fugitatives. you decide?'' i replied, homour in my tone.

'' i think it would be better for the second option, but we can do the first option if you want.''

then we were both laughing. which was interrupted, by a loud cough.

'' Enough of the jokes, Burney. we need to get out of here, and to our rooms.'' he then turned to face Mel, who was staring at Ade, weirdly. with some unrecognisable emotion on her face.'' Mel, could you show me to the camera area. so i can wipe the memory.'' he said, quickly snapping her out of the stare.

''you okay?'' i asked her politely.

she laughed awkwardly, while scratching the back of her neck, '' yeah, i am fine. and yeah. i will show you, Cameron. come this way.'' she said, walking out of the room.

she doesn't usually act this way, so i looked at her aura. it has the usual colours that shows her being a spirit user, of gold. but it also has colours which are oddly bizzare for her. it has tinges of red, blue and green. which are the colours of anger, sadness, and most surprisingly, jealousy. why is she jealous. i wondered. 

oh well. whatever it is, she will get over it. i am sure of that.

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