Service Dog pt.2

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Sam's POV:

"Do you want a service dog?" Ash asks me.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Well, when I went through PTSD, I had a dog that could tell when I'm about to have a panic attack. He'd help me out essentially." Ash says.

A service dog? What good is a service dog gonna do for me? "Okay." I say.

"Okay. Let's get some sleep Sammy." He says.

We both lay down and cuddle up with each other. He hums How Far I'll Go from Moana as I slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up to no one beside me. I panic looking around for Ash. "Ash?" I call out hoping for an answer. Nothing. I call out once more. Still, nothing. I decide to text him.

S: where are you?

A: Oh, sorry, I was called in because something happened. Everything's fine. Are you okay with going to therapy alone today?

S: yeah.

A: remember, tell Him about the service dog.

S: got it. Love you.

A: love you too Sammy.

I set my phone down and get up. He'll probably be gone all day. I go over to my dresser and put on some sweats. I graby wallet and my key to the apartment then go out the door, making sure to lock it.

I get into the elevator and so does three other people. I begin to shake. What if they hurt me? What if they don't like the way I look? What if they think I'm weird? Worries stumble through my head as I get off the elevator and go to the bus stop.

I get on the bus and sit at the back. I put my earbuds in and play Disney songs. I watch the scenery go by of the town as I go to the clinic.

The bus stops and I hastily walk off the bus. I rush into the clinic and check myself in.

Mr. Brown comes over to me and I take out my headphones. I pause my music and shove my phone and earbuds into my pocket.

"You okay Sam?" Mr. Brown asks me.

"Not really. But that's pretty normal at this point." I say.

I stand up and we walk to his office. I sit down on his couch and he sits in his chair.

"So, tell me about your week." He says.

I tell him about how moving has been going. I tell him about the party. Then, I tell him about how I have been getting anxious around people.

"Have you been telling Ash about how you've been feeling?" Mr. Brown asks me.

I nod.

"What does he have to say about it?" He asks.

"He says that I should get a service dog." I say.

"That would actually be a good way to help you." Mr. Brown says.

"Really?" I ask.

He then explains to me about how the service dog can help me and how it would be trained to help me.

"I know someone who trains service dogs. I think they have one that you can buy at a discount." He says.

He writes something down on a paper and hands it to me.

"Your homework this week is to get the dog. Bring them next week and tell me how you think it will help you in the future." He says.

"Okay." I say. I wave at him then walk out of his office.

I put my headphones back on and decide to avoid the fear of the bus and walk to the library.

I walk with one earbud out. I hear someone yelling something at me from across the street.

"Hey pretty girl, what are you doing walking around alone!?" Some guy asks me.

I look at him for a brief moment and think for a second. What would Ash do? I figure it out. I flip him off then put my other earbud in. I then quicken my pase and rush to the library.

I walk into the library and go into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and sit against the door. I put my hands over my head.

My vision blurrs, I feel sweat beating down my face. My heart is racing. Then, I black out.

When I regain consciousness I'm still in the bathroom. I check my phone and it's only been about twenty minutes.

I stand up and go into the library like nothing happened. I pick out a couple books and check them out. I look over and see the same guys talking about something. Then, I see them look over at me.

I grab my books and go over to a couch to start reading. I choose to ignore the two men. After about two minutes I hear one of them whistle at me. I look up and see one motion for me to go over to them. I continue reading.

After a few minutes, it happened again. This time, with more anger. I continue to ignore them. The man, furious that I ignored him, stormed over to me and grabbed my book out of my hands.

"P-please give that back." I say, trying to muster as much courage as possible.

"How cute, she uses her manners." The man says.

"Please just, give it back. I don't want to get into anything right now, I just came here to read." I say as calmly as possible.

The fact that my voice was deep and cracking somehow didn't show them that I was a boy. Just because I decided to wear a bra and not my binder doesn't change the fact that I'm still a boy.

"Just to read huh? I can do something else and it would be twice as good." He says, getting really close to my face.

I dial Ash's number in my phone and he answers right away.

"Hello?" I hear his voice.

The man was still in my face. But he looked confused.

"Who is that!?" The man asks.

"Who's this?" Ash asks.

"Ash help! Library!" I say then hang up.

"You shouldn't have done that sweetheart." He says. He grabs my wrist and drags me outside. He throws me against the wall.

The world started spinning, everything began to fade out of my vision. Then, slowly, I lost all consiousness. The last thing I heard was a siren.

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