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I sat in my room quiet not knowing what to do. Jasmine came inside my room. "Can I come in?" I nodded. She then sat next to me. "Look Ana I'm really sorry. I wanted to tell you for so long but I was authorized not to tell you".
"How long did you know?"
"Since middle school". I sighed. "So what your big deal in this?"
"You really want to know?" I nodded. She messed with the ends of her hair. "I'm your watcher". I felt this anger inside me.
"So you only became friends with me because you had to watch me? Is our whole friendship a lie?!" I got up from the bed. I soon heard her cry. It was very rare that I heard her cry. Great ,Ana look at what you did. "Ana you're my best friend. My sister please. I didn't mean to hurt you". I felt the guilt inside me. I sighed and turned around. I looked at her with sadness in my eyes. Her tears soaking through her shirt. I then went and hugged her. We sat there for a while. Jasmine then finally said something to break the silence. "I didn't ask to be your watcher. I was forced into it. Remember when I left from school all those months in high school?" I nodded. "Well I was training with my uncle. He was very strict on me. That's why I could never invite you to my house. Why I never had parties or anything".
"What training did you do?"
"I learned how to fight and how to defend myself against different creatures". "So it is true what he said about me and everything else?" She nodded. "Well what do I do now?" She sighed. "There's one important thing. You have to keep this a secret. Even our identity. You reveal who we are to anyone we can be in danger. You don't need to worry about anything. Just be safe". At that moment I knew I had to do something. "Teach me how to fight". She looked at me with confusion. "No Ana".
"Please ,what if something happened and I couldn't protect you or myself?" She then nodded. "I'll talk to Edward about it see what he says. So does this mean you accept?"
"Accept what?"
"Being a royal". I shrugged my shoulders. "It's what I am isn't it?" She nodded. "I accept. I know you would do anything to protect me" I said. She looked at me and smiled. Then all of a sudden she jumped up off the bed. "Good because I have a surprise for you!" She said all happy. I rose my eyebrow. She left for a good minute then came in with a small gift bag. "I just wanted you to have something to give you if you accepted. It's a symbol that best represents the royals and you". She pulled a gold chain with something at the end of it. Once it was in my hand I immediately fell in love with it. It was a sun with a ruby in the middle of it. "Think of it as a family heirloom. The ruby represents power and the sun represents light and strength". I hugged her. "This is beautiful. Thank you".
"Ana is just want you to know that even though your the last royal. You're not alone. If you need anything or want to know anything. I'm here to help you". I nodded. "So when do we start training?" She laughed. "How about let's survive a month of school then we can train. Well I'll leave you to it". I suddenly remembered what I wanted to ask her. "Jazzy why did you react weird when I said Grayson?" She looked confused. "Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention. It's because never mind...Who's Grayson?"
"He's the brother of a twin that I met". She raised her eyebrows up and down. I laughed. "Hey what about Liam, huh?" Jasmine blushed. She then punched me playfully. "Ok well I'll leave you alone. I gotta go run some errands. Want anything?" I nodded. "Pizza and chicken nuggets!" She rolled her eyes and laughed. As soon as she left I grabbed my phone. I texted my mystery man. My heart started to pound. What do I say? Hmm...Oh! I know!
No that's not good. Um...maybe this.
I found this number. I just wanted to see if it worked. No that's not good either. Ugh! I don't know. I'm just gonna go with a normal approach.
I just sent it anyways. Panic rushed through my body as soon as it sent. Oh god I'm an idiot. I threw myself on the pillow and hid my face. I lifted my head when I heard the sound of my notification bell go off. I looked at the message.
There's my mystery girl. I was getting a little worried when you didn't answer since I didn't have your phone number.
I sighed. If only he knew.
Sorry about's been a long busy day.
Yeah I know what you mean. So how are your classes?
I bit my lip knowing I didn't go to any of my classes. Oh gosh what do I say? I got my paper from my bag. I looked at them. They didn't seem bad. I had theatre, piano. Art, chemistry, English, Calculus, and mythology. My heart nearly stopped as soon as I seen the name for my mythology class. "Mr. Edward Gyles". I sighed and lied through my text.
My classes seem really good.
What are your classes maybe I have some with you...
I told him what my classes were.
We have theatre, chemistry, and English together. Also that last period is free. 🤗
I don't know why but I had these butterflies inside fluttering around my stomach when I read that text. I don't even know this boy and already he's making me feel some type of way.
Hey just to break the ice can I ask you some questions?
I replied with a 👌
So what is your favorite color? I had to laugh. I was expecting something more serious.
Red. I answered.
Me too! Ok so what are your favorite hobbies?
I like to dance, sing, read, draw, and play the piano.
Sounds like you're very talented.
So what about you?
I like to play a lot of sports, travel, and pretty much live life to the fullest.
Sounds like you don't like to be indoors.
😂 trust me I love to sleep.
Who doesn't?! We texted on the phone for hours. Getting to know each other was amazing. Of course the questions were mostly who are you questions. I looked at my phone and it was midnight. Jasmine hadn't come up in my room to check on me. I was too tired to get up and go check. I started to get sleepy.
It's late...we got school tomorrow. Goodnight.
It was nice talking to you. Hey I was wondering if you would like to go get something to eat after your last class.
Yes I would love that.
Wait! Before you go to sleep what's your name?
My name is Ana
That's a beautiful name. Sweet Dreams Ana. I'm Ethan. Just like that I slipped into a deep sleep.

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