The Beginning

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Once I woke up I was on top of Ethan. I slowly slid off of him. He looked so peaceful. I got up and decided to take a shower. It was still early. I let the warm water hit my body. It felt so good. I closed my eyes. Suddenly I had this massive headache. I put my hands against my head. Maybe it was the concussion from yesterday from hitting my head on the rock. I started getting flashing images. Blood, fangs, evil laughter, a car crashing, glass everywhere, screaming, a wing ear ring. I knew that ear ring. It was Grayson's. The images immediately stopped. My heart was beating fast. I hurried out of the shower. My headache stopped. I wrapped a towel around my body and in my hair. I sighed as soon as I realized I had forgotten my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror then at my hands. I remembered Ethan glowing. What did I do to him? I sighed and ran my fingers through my damped hair. I soon opened the door. Ethan was still sleeping. I grabbed my underwear and bra. I slid my under wear under my towel. I then took my towel off. I reached for my black bra and put it on. I looked on the ground and noticed his black sweater. I then put it on. It was so soft and comfortable. I could smell his cologne in the fabric. It was so intoxicating. I quickly grabbed my ripped jeans and pulled them over my legs. I struggled to get them up because my legs were still a little wet. But I managed. I went to finish getting ready in the bathroom. When I walked out Ethan was sitting up on the bed looking at me. I smiled. "Good morning, sicky".
He chuckled "actually I feel amazing". He got up and stretched. I heard some of his bones crack. He then walked up to me. " look good in my sweater. Also-". He then touched some of my hair. "I loved the show".
Embarrassment ran through my body. He wasn't asleep?! He brought his face down to meet mine. I put my hand up to his chest to stop him. "First brush your teeth". He laughed. "I don't care, love me". He then threw me over his shoulder. I was giggling. He then slammed me gently on the bed. He soon was on top of me. He then pressed his lips against mine. Even though he didn't brush his teeth he still tasted good. Ethan slowly slid his hand under the sweater. I stopped him yet again. He then looked at me confused. "Why won't you let me touch you?"
"Because-". Tears started to build in my eyes. "Ana please tell me". I never told anyone this not even my best friend, not even my mom. I had this ugly scar on my side. It was a symbol of what looked like a sun but it the form of a scar. It was big and ugly like someone took a knife a carved it into my skin. It started from the bottom of my breast and ended at the bottom of my hip. It looked like a huge stretch mark. "It's a scar...I never knew when I got it. I just know that I have it. No one knows about it".
"Can I see it?" I didn't want to show him. "Ethan there are things that I must keep a secret". He then moved off of me. He seemed irritated. "Why won't you show me? Did someone do it to you?"
"No-I don't know". He then brushed his fingers through his hair. "Did I give it to you?"
"No im pretty sure you didn't". He took my hand. "Then promise me you'll show it me someday". I nodded. He then put me on his lap. I wrapped my arms around him. He nestled his face in my hair. "Come on you have to get ready". He nodded and got up and went to the restroom. "There's an extra tooth brush in the cabinet!" He soon walked out and put his sweatpants on. "I'm gonna need to go home and change". I nodded. We soon left the house. Jasmine wasn't home and I was a little worried. I soon texted her asking where she was. She stayed at Edwards house after they did a midnight watch. After I texted my mom good morning I started the car and drove to Ethan's house. Once we got there Ethan wanted me to come in. So I did. Grayson was on the couch watching tv. "What's up bro" said Ethan. "Sup" said Grayson.
"Hi Grayson". He looked at me with a smirk on his face. "So that's where Ethan was last night? Bet you had a really good night, huh Ethan?"
"Shut up Gray". Ethan ran up stairs to his room. I sat at the table. Their house was really nice. "How do you guys afford a house like this?"
"Duh were rich? Our parents had a lot of money".
"So you guys don't have a job?"
"Hell no...I'm never getting one anyways. Just sitting here is getting me loads of money". Speaking of jobs I was gonna start mine tonight. I wasn't really nervous. It was just a coffee shop. I worked as a cashier and waiter. Strangely I was the only one who wanted to work there besides the old lady who ran the place. I never knew Ethan and Grayson's family was wealthy. Well of course I didn't know. Honestly I really could care less. Jasmines parents were wealthy also. As for me I wasn't rich. I was just thankful for what I have. I walked near Grayson. "What?" He said. "Hey be careful when you're driving".
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"I just have a bad feeling". I remembered the flashing images in my head. "It's beginning isn't it?"
"What is?"
"You're changing. Your powers".
"How do you know?"
"I can smell it. So maybe you should be careful". Ethan came downstairs. "Hey I thought you were sick?"
"I'm not anymore so I'm gonna go to school".
"Alright peace". Ethan took my hand and we left. "We're taking my car".
"But my car-".
"It's fine. That way I can pick you up and we can go where I wanted to take you".
"About that...".
"What?" He sounded a little annoyed. "I have work tonight".
"That's fine we can go after school. Then I'll drop you off and pick you up at work". I smiled. "There's no way I'm gonna let anything stand in the way of our date". He then opened the passenger door for me. I thanked him and sat in the seat. "You have a beautiful Porsche".
"Yeah but my girlfriends more beautiful". I blushed. We soon drove to school. Classes were fine except for art class. My teacher wanted us to do a project with a partner she paired us up with. Low and behold out of all the people in my class. I got stuck with Liam.

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