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I woke up and noticed Ethan not by my side. Panic rushed through me. It wasn't normal for him to not be by my side when I woke up. I ran down stairs and no one was there. "Ethan?!" I seen a note on the fridge. I slowly walked up to it. The note read;
Hello beautiful,
You must have noticed that I am not in bed with you. Don't worry everything is ok. I'm out getting a few things and I will be right back. But look inside the fridge. I'll be back and I love you.
I opened the fridge. There was a bouquet of roses. Then on the note card it read.
Happy Birthday, Anastasia
Tears sprang to my eyes and a smile formed on my face. I can't believe it! He's the best. Then I frowned. Was it my birthday?! Have I been gone that long? Ever since I was freed I didn't know what day it was. I looked at the calendar. It did say. September 22. I shook my head and scoffed. I been working everyday and I didn't really care what day it was. No one called or texted me. Not even my mother. She would call Ethan and so would everyone else. I still did classes online. I thought we would go back to school but Ethan thought it was best that I stayed at home. I been here with Ethan for a while now and I haven't seen Grayson. I have no idea where he has been staying. I went back to the fridge and took the roses out. I put them on the counter and smelled them. I touched the petals and they felt so soft just as Ethan's skin. I imagined him kissing me. Touching me. My mind was soon interrupted.
"Ana?" I was startled as I seen a tall figure in front of me.
"Grayson?!" He smirked. "Look who's out of the cuckoo's nest". I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "I still see you haven't changed".
"Never. It's nice to see you again". I raised my brow. "Ethan's not here if you are wondering".
"No I know he's not here".
"Hello...vampire. I can smell things and sense things too".
"Right...". He came closer to me. Taking his black sweater off revealing his muscles that were hidden under his white muscle shirt. He sighed. "So how have you been?" I said trying to break the awkwardness. "Well I been staying at your house in the guest room and I have not been good".
"It's been Liam and you're best friend and Gyles".
"Why, what's wrong?!"
"First Liam. He and his crew are killing people around the area. Not just feeding off of them but just being bloody hounds. I'm shocked you haven't seen it on the news".
"Haven't been watching tv or on my phone so I practically live under a rock".
"We need you back, Ana. Fighting again. I know you need to control your powers or whatever but there's no time for that".
I shook my head. "I can't I have to-".
He grabbed my shoulders. "I don't care! Dammit! You have to figure this out! It's just us three!" My heart nearly stopped. "What?" He let me go and walked back. His jaw clenched. "What happened Grayson?!"
"They're dead. Adam, John, and Gyles. It's just us three".
"It's been weeks".
"You didn't bother to tell me?! Jasmine?!"
"Doesn't matter. You just need to chill. It's done and over with. All that matters is killing Liam".
"That's all you care about! You don't care about no one else! So what if we kill Liam what's that gonna solve?" Then I thought about it. "If Liam is out of the picture. You're next in line. The next leader for the nest".
"I don't even care about those stupid vamps. They can all die. Ana, I'm being serious". I just sat up on the counter and sighed. "Fine. I'll do it. But if you step near that nest I'm gonna kill you myself". He smirked. "There's the Ana I know".
"So how's Jasmine?"
"She's ok. I think she's into me". I laughed. "Then what are you waiting for?" He then just looked at me. "Grayson?" He came a little closer to me. My heart was racing yet again.
"Anastasia...I didn't come here for no reason. I came here to give you a gift".
"What are you talking about?"
"If we are going to fight Liam. I need you to take my blood again".
"No.'s not good for me to do that. I have this darkness in me. It could effect you really bad. It's best if I just not do that. Besides I don't really like it's effect on me".
"What do you mean?"
"The sexual dreams I have about you. The constant of you knowing how I feel and when I'm in danger".
"Well I enjoy those feelings even when I can't feel nothing at all". My heart stopped. "Anastasia I have something for you".
"That's why you can like Jasmine. Because you have feelings for me". He just looked at me with those Hazel eyes. "Gray, I cant-". With that he interrupted me with his lips smashing into mine. I pushed him off of me. "Grayson Dolan! I am with your brother, Ethan!"
"What can he give you that I can't?! Last time I remembered he's the one who made you lose your memory of your father! Your childhood! He sent you to the hospital! I was there to heal you. I was there to help you. I was there when you were in that filthy factory".
"Yeah! Well you didn't help me escape! You didn't stop! You kept it up! You are apart of me that created this darkness! Do you remember?! When you stabbed me in the chest?! The darkness that flowed inside me. It was because of you! Soulless Grayson!" His eyes turned red and he then ran out of the house. Tears streamed down my face. Ethan came in soon after. "Hey...hows my birthday girl?" He then seen my puffy cheeks. He put all the groceries down and lifted my face to meet his. "Ana?! What happened?" I shook my head. "Nothing...I'm just happy that you're here and that I love you. Thank you for the roses!" I hugged him around his neck. He then went stiff. He lifted the sweater in my view. "Was Grayson here?" I nodded. "Yeah he was looking for you and he wished me a happy birthday". I hated lying to Ethan but it was best for him not to know everything. "Did you know about Gyles?" He shook his head. "He died".
"Jasmine didn't even tell me anything. I would have told you but...I didn't even know". I then stayed silent. "Are you ok? Do you need anything?" I looked up at him and pulled him closer. I then wrapped my legs around him. I only had my shorts on under this big shirt. I smashed my lips against his. I then began to grind my hips against his. He groaned. Which turned me on. "Oh...Ethan". He then carried me up to his room. He laid me gently on the bed. "This is going to be the best you ever had. I'm gonna make you come as many times as I can".
"Do we have enough time?"
"We got all day....". I raised my brow and smirked. He then bent down to kiss me. At the same time he slid off our clothes. Ethan reached to the side to pull the rubber out and slid it on. "Just so I can last longer". I closed my eyes waiting for him to be inside me. Nothing was happening. I opened my eyes. I gasped as I seen Liam in front of me. I screamed. "Ethan?!" He was no where to be found. I looked down at myself. I was fully clothed. "This is a dream! I'm sleeping!"
Liam laughed "oh I don't think so dear". He grabbed me and pinned me against the wall. He gripped his hands around my neck. I couldn't breathe. "Oh this is going to be so easy. I feel sad. But I won't do anything love. Not just yet. I'm gonna have some fun first". He sniffed me up and down. Why can't I do anything?! Where are my powers?! "I'm gonna kill your boyfriend right in front of you and you're gonna watch as I tear into his flesh". I suddenly felt this bolt of energy. I grabbed Liam's face and blasted him with my power. Suddenly he disappeared. "Where are you?! You coward!"
"All in good time love. See you later and happy birthday".

I gasped and noticed Ethan, Grayson, Jasmine, and my mom around me. "What happened?"
"You blacked out and I don't know what happened or why it happened" said Ethan.
"Where am I?"
"You're home" my mom said.
"Mom?" I slowly sat up. I was in my room. "How did I get here?"
"I drove...Ana you scared me".
"I'm sorry I don't know why it happened".
Jasmine started to check me. She lifted up my shirt and I heard a small gasp. "What? What is it?"
She shook her head. "Nothing. Oh Ana I missed you". She hugged me tight and then my mom joined in. I heard them both cry. I opened my eyes and see Grayson meeting my eyes. Remembering what had happened between us. "I would like some privacy...".
"Oh's your birthday. We can't leave the birthday girl alone. Besides everyone is waiting downstairs" my mom said.
"Yeah....we kind of sort of....invited people and made a birthday party for you" said Jasmine.
"Well I have to get ready then". Everyone left downstairs. Except Jasmine and Grayson. "Here wear this. I'll see you downstairs. Grayson?" She handed me a flannel with my black ripped jeans. "I'll be down in a sec". Grayson came closer to me. "Ana...listen to me. You have to drink my blood".
"No! For the last time!"
"Ana dammit! Don't you understand?! Liam's venom is inside you! My blood can cure it!"
"No....there's gotta be another way"
"If you kill Liam before it spreads but I doubt that". I walked up to him. "Listen I'm fine. I can do this. I'm strong".
"That's the problem you're too strong". I didn't have more to say to him. I just grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I took my shirt off and looked in the mirror. I seen that my scar was covered in black. I was gonna get a panic attack but instead I took a deep breath and put my clothes on. I need to be strong not just for myself but for them. I put on the dress Jasmine gave me. I soon met up with everyone downstairs. I literally mean everyone. It looked like the whole school was invited. I met with Ethan. He smiled at me. I smiled back and held his hand. Everything seemed fine. I was having the time of my life. "Hey Ana, we need more alcohol" said Grayson. I nodded. "I'll go and get some" I said. "No I'll go" said Jasmine. "No I insist" I said.
"Dear this is your party and your gonna leave?"
"I'll be fine besides I need to go check my schedule at work and see what time I come in tomorrow". Ethan wanted to go with me but I told him to stay. My work wasn't far from my home. I walked inside. I looked for my schedule in the back where the small break room was. I opened the door and my boss scared me. She was laying on the couch on her side. I walked over to her. There was a foul smell. A smell I never smelled before. "'s me Ana. I just came here to check on my schedule". She didn't say anything. I then went up to her. I went to touch her shoulder and she felt ice cold. Once I turned her over. I seen her throat had been ripped out. A scream escaped from me. Tears rolled down my eyes. I called 911 and told them what happened. They rushed to me. The rest was a blur. I was sitting in a cop car as they asked me questions. Who could have done this? There was only one person that came to mind. Liam. The thought of him made me furious. Suddenly I heard on the officers radio. A familiar address. "Accident.....many missing people". I knew exactly what his radio said. I gasped and ran to my car. That address was mine. I speed down the road. I reached for my phone and called everyone. My mom, Jasmine, Ethan, and Grayson. No one answered. Suddenly I got a call from an unknown number. I then answered.
"My, my's a pleasure. I missed you-".
"Liam! Where is my family?!"
"All in good time. I want you to ditch your car and meet me in the park. No weapons or anything funny. Just you". He soon hung up. "AH!" I cried. Soon I gripped the wheel tighter. I looked in the mirror my eyes turning black. I shook my head. "No! Be strong! They need you!"
I soon was at the park. I parked my car where it wouldn't be noticeable. I slowly walked in the park. The wind picked up and it sent chills down my spine. "Hello Ana". The voice gave me creeps. I turned around and seen before me, a teenage girl. I didn't even recognize her. She looked like someone familiar. "I'm sorry do I know you?"
"I believe you just don't remember me. We use to be best friends". My eyebrows furrowed. "It's me Ana, Cameron". My heart nearly stopped. I gasped. Her eyes turning black and she smiled with fangs. "Surprise".

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