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This was my life now. Training every single day. I felt more like a machine than a person. A weapon getting ready to defeat Liam and his army. So far I heard he is making his nest very big with many vamps. I been in here for about three months. Still had school to do. Except it was online. I also still worked. Jasmine has to accompany me everywhere I went. I still did not speak with her. I saw her as my trainer and watcher , nothing more. Gyles was also my trainer but he was the least that I liked. Every time I would mess up he would torture me. I remembered the first time I was tortured.

"First lesson, Ana. Is to never lose focus on your enemy. Wait for a bit to strike. Know what his motives are then when you find his weak spot you take him down. Still even before that all your moves must be excellent moves. One wrong and you lose. Now stand up and come towards me". I did as he said. "Now I'm going to teach you some blocking techniques". He showed me the different ways to block a persons hit. "Ok now I want you to hit me". I didn't hesitate. I balled up my fist and went straight for his face. He then dodged my hit. "Ok that wasn't too bad but still needs work". We then worked on my punches and kicks on a punching bag and dummy. "Good seems that you have mastered those. Now let's try with blocking. Come on and hit me Ana". I did and he dodged. He started to swing at me. I dodged his every move. Then I finally hit him in the face and slammed him to the ground. "Ana stop! Good work". His nose was bloody. He picked himself up. "I was about to find your weak spot". He just smirked at me. I didn't smile back. He then handed me a long stick. "Block this!" He soon swung the stick and smacked me on the side of my ribs. "What did I say?! Don't lose focus!" He then swiped my feet down from the ground. I feel on my back hit the floor hard. Pain shot through my whole body. "Get up! Get up!" I didn't listen and he tried to hit me in the face with the stick I used my arms to block my face. The stick shattered in half. "Really?!" He then grabbed me off the floor. "Since you don't want to listen to me". He grabbed my arms and tied me around the pillar. My back was exposed since I only wore a muscle shirt. He was grabbing something I didn't know what but I couldn't see. All of a sudden I heard a smack on the ground. My heart started to race. I tried to get out of the chains that held me. I knew it was the sound of a whip. I couldn't seem to get free. I closed my eyes and thought of happy thoughts. I remembered Ethan's smile. His laugh. His promise that he made me. If Ethan knew about this he would kick Gyles in the ass. I pretended the pillar was Ethan and I hugged it tight. Without a warning Gyles struck my back. Pain shot from my head to toe. It stung so bad. I didn't scream. Tears sprung from my eyes and fell to the ground. I didn't know how many times he had hit me but my knees grew weak and I fell to the ground hugging the pillar. I could see some spots of blood that was on the ground. Then I heard the door close. I closed my eyes and just sat there with my back burning. I knew if it was a burning sensation I was healing. The door opened again. I heard footsteps come around in front of me. The chains had loosened. I opened my eyes to see Grayson. He helped me up. He didn't say anything. He then turned me around and saw my back. "Shit!" He said in a whisper. Grayson spun me back around to wear I was facing him. "Come on let's get back to your room". I had felt weak. He had one hand under my elbow as we walked back to my room. He then shut and locked the door. I looked at him. He had a white muscle shirt on and black Adidas pants. He then sat on the end of my bed looking at me. "Are you gonna tell me what happened?"
"I guess I didn't listen to Gyles and so...I was punished".
He shook his head. "So he's gonna torture you?" I nodded. "This is the first time".
"Does it hurt?"
"Why do you care all of a sudden?"
"I don't just answer the freaking question".
"It hurts! Everywhere! Inside and out! The fact is I don't care anymore!" I thought of an idea. Right next to where Grayson was sitting was a knife. If I get it and stab myself in the chest he wouldn't be able to revive me. I could be free. I walked up towards him. I needed to distract him. I took off my shirt revealing my bra. He stared at me. I felt the knife next to him. I quickly grabbed it and I was almost close to stabbing myself in the chat but Grayson had stopped my hand. I gasped and looked up at him. Tears filled my eyes once more. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I-I-Grayson hurts. It hurts too much. How long have I been here? Where am I? Just do it Grayson. Let me be free". He shook his head. "Let go Ana". I shook my head. "Anastasia let go. I will make the pain go away". I looked into his eyes and I let my hand slip. He took the knife and I seen him make a small cut on his neck. "I'll make it go away. All the pain". I came closer to him. "Drink Ana". He pulled me a bit closer. "'s all right. Come closer. Drink me". Suddenly I felt his warm neck and my lips met his small cut. I drank his blood. I let it fill up my mouth and drank it. I heard him groan. It sounded so sexy. He then put his hand against my back pulling me closer. My back didn't hurt anymore. I continued to suck. Suddenly I was on my bed, Grayson then was on top of me. He pulled off his shirt and landed it on the floor. He then came closer to me. "Grayson I feel weird...". It was true my head felt really light and I felt that I was thinner than air. "You're going to feel like that. It's the blood you took too much". I then started to laugh for some reason. "Now let's get these clothes off of you". I'm an instant my clothes were off of me. " that a scar? Sick!" He said in excitement. He pulled his pants and boxers down. He then kissed me. "Wait! You have a condom...?"
"It's ok I'm not fertile. Another vamp thing". I nodded. He then kissed me again. I felt his tongue slip in my mouth. Suddenly I opened my eyes. "Ana why?" I looked over Grayson's shoulder. I seen Ethan. "Ethan?!" Grayson then pinned my arms down to the bed. I looked at Grayson with fear in my eyes. His eyes glowing red and his fangs sticking out. "You're mine!"
I woke up fully clothed. My heart beating fast and sweat dripping down my forehead. I looked around the room and still nothing. I sighed in relief. It was just a dream. The torture wasn't but everything else was. I must have fell asleep when I fell to my knees on the pillar. I checked my back. It was completely healed. Today was a day I wouldn't forget.

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