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After the last class dismissed, I'm trying to hide myself from Chanmi. Because today we must do dance practice. But because from the first, it's not my desire to join, so here I am trying so hard to run away from the schedule.

Now, I went to the café shop to buy a cup of café latte. When I opened my phone, I realized there're so many calls from Chanmi. I'm really sorry to her but I really don't wanna dance anymore, so I turned off my phone then I went to near Hangang river to enjoy the evening scenery there.

I leaned under a big tree, I sat and plug my earphone to enjoy some music from my iPod player. I'm trying to close my eyes to enjoy the music and breeze until I didn't realize I'm falling asleep.

I woke up because I felt someone trying to cover my body with a jacket. "umm?"

"if you wanna sleep, you better go home. So why you here?" he asked as looking at the evening sky.

"Mr. Park, wh--" he cut me off.

"I told you don't call me 'Mr. Park' when we're outside of the campus"

"I just--" he cut me off again. "you made me worry" he said still looking at the sky.

I shocked "I-I'm sorry" I said lowering my gaze to the ground.

"Why are you running away? Is that your specialty?" he said jokingly, and I just chuckled. "so, what? You still afraid of me?" he asked again.

"of course, no" I chuckled, then we become quiet again.

"it's ok if you can't tell me now. I won't force you, because we just met again after 10 years and back then you were still really young to remember me. I can understand" he said, but it made me guiltier after running away from dance practice then made him worry.

"I can't dance anymore" I said and made him turned his head to me. "I still... can't get over this. Every time I dance, I will always remember My brother. It so hard for me. We like twin since we were kids. We always sticking together although our age gap is really different" I said let a deep sigh.

"if he was sad, I'm sad too. If I was hurt, he said that it makes him hurt to see me hurt. And when he died...... it made me die inside too. It's like a half of me gone away with him" my tears started to fall down to my cheeks.

"He really cherishes me so much. He never mad at me, all he did was making me and people around him happy. It's...." I stopped for a while as the tears rolled down my cheek and I started to sob. But again, he embracing me while stroking my hair gently.

"it's.... hurt so much. Everyone can easily say I must move on. It's been 3 years since he died. But, here! I still can't believe that he was gone away forever" I said while sobbing.

"I'm sorry Hyesu-ah, sorry I'm late" he said to me, but I didn't understand what the meaning of late that he said to me.

(Jimin P.O.V)



"what's this? Why you always shouting like this Jung Hoseok!?" I close my eyes again as lying on the grass field behind the school.

"Hey wake up! I want you to meet someone!" I opened my eyes and looked at him as he was smiling so bright. "who?" I asked.

"here is my--" He stopped when he turned his body. "o! where's that kid?" he surprised trying to find this kid. 

"just wait here Jimin!" he said then stood up, running to the cherry tree.

I could see he pulled a little girl from there.

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